
web calendar
LuxCal Web Calendar

LuxCal is a free user-friendly, intuitive web calendar. It can help you to organize and keep track of your events and appointments in an easy way from your phone, tablet or PC at home, in the office, on business trips or when on holiday. LuxCal has all essential functions you may expect from a modern web calendar and is targeted at home use and small businesses.

User Interface Languages

LuxCal user interface texts are defined in separate language packs. Most LuxCal language packs have been produced by LuxCal users in the countries concerned. The following languages are currently available:

Each calendar user can choose his/her own language.

Technical Details

LuxCal is written in the PHP and JavaScript scripting languages and uses an SQLite or a MySQL database (at your choice) to store its data. So LuxCal runs on a server with one of the latest versions of PHP and - for the MySQL version - MySQL.

LuxCal produces HTML5 code and has been tested with recent versions of FirefoxChromeOperaSafariMS Edge

Responsibility / Liability

LuxSoft maintains this calendar to the best of its abilities and will try to correct reported errors and problems whenever possible. However, LuxSoft accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the use of the LuxCal calendar, nor the data stored by the LuxCal calendar.

Other LuxSoft Applications

To keep our programming knowledge cutting edge, we used spare moments, or moments when working on the LuxCal calendar became too obsessive, to produce some high quality small applications, using a minimum of code: