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Topic review (newest first)


Hi Roel,

Thank you for explaining the behavior. It makes sense.
In a nutshell, I was hoping to allow the Public Access account read-only access to both calendars with the ability to flip between them, without logging in.

I will setup some .htaaccess redirects to individual calendars as a workaround.

I appreciate the explanations and help! It really is cool useful software.


Hi there,
Currently selecting a calendar, in case of multiple calendars in one install, is only possible for users with administrator rights. This is done because for a certain user the rights for one calendar can be completely different from the rights for an other calendar. For instance if a certain user would have view or post rights in one calendar and would have no access rights in an other calendar, then if the user could switch to the other calendar, he/she would get the log-in dialogue (no Options Panel) and there would be no way back to the first calendar anymore.

As said by John in the other thread, we're planning to review the concept of multiple calendars (in one install and in different folder) for the next calendar version.

If this is not exactly what you meant, please let me know.


This is related to not being able to set up the calendars in separate installation from my previous post.
I went with having 2 calendars in one install.
I do not see any way to turn on the "options" button for "Public Access" so that a calendar can be selected.
Is there a way to do this?
