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LuxCal Web Calendar → Suggestions → 2FA (secure login) → Post new reply

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Hi Roel,
Thanks for the tip smile Does 2FA need to be approved by users? Isn't that too basic today?
Please consider another method much simpler than SMS (amazing option, but you're right it makes configuration difficult). 2FA offers simpler authorization methods based on:
- OTP: Google Authenticator,
- E-Mail with verification link


Hi Markus
LuxSoft does not yet offer 2-factor authentication (2FA) and will not offer it in the next version, which currently enters the beta-test phase.
If enough users show interest in 2FA, we will consider implementing it.

If we will implement 2FA in a later LuxCal version, we should be careful to make it not too complicated for the calendar administrator. 2FA via an SMS would for instance make the installation of the calendar way too complicated for the average user.


Yesterday I updated some application which received a new version after a few years. I was very surprised because I can use 2FA. This fact motivated me to verify my applications in terms of security. As a result I received the lack of this security feature only LuxCal. If you have plans to implement this feature it would be wonderful. Nowadays 2FA seems to be the standard for secure authorization. Will luxCal offer this security feature to its users?

LuxCal Web Calendar → Suggestions → 2FA (secure login) → Post new reply