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Hi All

Thanks for the info, I have not looked at display4 will have a look.



Hi Mattie,
If you prefer the layout of display3, I can easily tailor a display 3 for you with the flexible event body of display 4. In this way you will have full control over the event body layout.
If you want this, or if you want to experiment with this, send me an email (via the Contact page above) and I will send you the tailored display3.php file.


There is also the super-compact display4. This can be set so there is only one line per event and it can be set with or without line-wrap.

It can be set as the default, and then via a button, the user can "unfold" the display. The unfolded version could be the display 3. You can style the displays so they will have the same impression.


The toggle between two display-versions can be very handy, especially when you have events that sometimes has long descriptions.
Then the collapsed version is good, because you don't have to scroll through a looong list, but can have a quick overview.
Then you can click an event to see the full description - but - when you want to see for more events then it is much quicker to unfold the display and then scroll instead of clicking more events.


Hello Ladjets

Maybe you could have a collapsed version and an expanded version. It is then possible via html in the calendar-name to make buttons where you can toggle between the expanded version and the collapsed version.
See a test here:
If it can be used I will tell how to..

The shown example can be made in existing and earlier versions - as well in the coming version(s)


Im Roel,

Im using display 3

$evtHead = '#t #e';
$evtBody = '12458';

Would be looking for something like this over 3 lines, info is short and would fit on screen


Time Title
Venue Category Custom 1 Custom 2


Hi Mattie,
Which display are you using 1, 2 or 3?
So you want everything on one and the same line, without line breaks, correct? (does that fit??)
Which fields do you want to be shown? Is it 12458?
Note: If you have "line breaks"in the event's description field, then they will also appear in the display.

This requires a software change. If I know exactly what you want, I can maybe customize a displayX.php file specifically for you.


Hi All

I have little understanding of php so this is not something i can do.

Using the display.php can you set the $evtBody = '12458'; //event fields to show (list of numbers: 1: venue, 2: category, 3: description, . . . for more see Settings page - Event templates) so that all the information appears on the same line ?

on the next line have Custom 1 and Custom 2
