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Topic review (newest first)
Roel wrote:Hi Smorg,
Edit the file "views/month.php" and on line 170 add a new style "cellTop" to the class. So the class should look like
class='{$hdrClass} cellTop'
Add the following style to the file "css/css.php":
If I have understood correctly what you want to do, then this should do the trick.
Smorg wrote:HI guys, I have made some huge changes to the calendar and very proficient with php, but for the life of me I can not find a way to make the gap at the top of day (above any bookings) bigger, I have had users 'complain' that when the day has a lot of bookings the small space at the top is too small for touch screen use.
I have tried making the space bigger but to no avail :(
Smorg wrote:HI guys, I have made some huge changes to the calendar and very proficient with php, but for the life of me I can not find a way to make the gap at the top of day (above any bookings) bigger, I have had users 'complain' that when the day has a lot of bookings the small space at the top is too small for touch screen use.
I have tried making the space bigger but to no avail :(
Roel wrote:Hi Smorg,
Edit the file "views/month.php" and on line 170 add a new style "cellTop" to the class. So the class should look like
class='{$hdrClass} cellTop'
Add the following style to the file "css/css.php":
If I have understood correctly what you want to do, then this should do the trick.
Thanks I did not see that sneaky div tag hiding there lol
Hi Smorg,
Correct V5.1.0 is > over years ago, which is before the introduction of a scrollbar per day cell. For V 5.1.0 you should do the following:
Edit the file "views/month.php" and on line 158 add an inline style to the div-tag to set the height. So the div-tag should look like
<div style='height:30px;'> </div>
(Use single quotes around height:30px;)
Let us know if it's ok.
I might be on an older version that you excepted, as I don't have {hdrClass} anywhere in that file
was it called something else previously I am running LuxCal calendar: 5.1.0M (mycal)
Hi Smorg,
Edit the file "views/month.php" and on line 170 add a new style "cellTop" to the class. So the class should look like
class='{$hdrClass} cellTop'
Add the following style to the file "css/css.php":
If I have understood correctly what you want to do, then this should do the trick.
HI guys, I have made some huge changes to the calendar and very proficient with php, but for the life of me I can not find a way to make the gap at the top of day (above any bookings) bigger, I have had users 'complain' that when the day has a lot of bookings the small space at the top is too small for touch screen use.
I have tried making the space bigger but to no avail