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I'm new here so there is a lot I don't understand. First, let me thank you for the LuxCal calendar. I have installed it on the shared server for the club I belong to. I like it very much.

I have some questions which I hope you can help me with. I don't know a lot about iCalendar, so it isn't surprising that most of my questions are related to iCalendar. I have been trying to get it set up so that users can subscribe to our calendar.

1. If there is no end date to an event, which I think the help files says is OK, the event looks like a one day, all day event in LuxCal. When I look at the same event on the subscribed calendar on my computer (Calendar on OS X 10.13.6) the event doesn't end, but runs on and on for a couple of years. Have I misunderstood the help file?

2. I have set up a cron job to update the .ics file in "files." Each time the cron job runs my remote server sends me an email with the topic:

Cron <myEmailAddressWasHere> /usr/local/bin/setlock -n /tmp/cronlock.3790740780.216051 sh -c $'php -q /home/webdpww/ourDomainWasHere/callc/lcalcron.php'

and the content:

sendmail: warning: inet_protocols: disabling IPv6 name/address support: Address family not supported by protocol
postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: disabling IPv6 name/address support: Address family not supported by protocol

Despite that warning, The LuxCal did send me an email saying:

DuPage Woodworkers - 09/21/2018 @ 5:10 am

=== CRON JOB SUMMARY ~ 09/21/2018 @ 05:10 ===

No reminder messages due.
Number of changes last 1 day(s): 3
No report emailed.
Number of events exported in iCalendar format to file DuPage_Woodworkers: 6.


I don't know if the warning is a result of a shortcoming of my shared server or a problem with LuxCal. Can you tell me which?

3. When I install the iCal subscription into the OS X (10.13.6) Calendar, it suggests the name for the calendar be "Events." This is going to confuse my users. Is there some way to make it suggest the calendar name? If I open the .ics file with a text editor, I notice that the 6th line is:


In the database, settings, the calendarTitle is "DuPage Woodworkers" Is there a way I can get it to use that title or some other way to get it to suggest "DuPage Woodworkers" as the name for the subscribed calendar?

4. I only run the cron job to update the .ics file.  In lcalcron.php, could I comment out all the numbered jobs except #4 which is the iCalendar part that I want? I suppose I'd have to deal with that at each upgrade???

Thank you for any help you can give me.

--Whit Anderson

LuxCal Web Calendar → Need Help → iCal and Cron → Post new reply