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Topic review (newest first)



After installing the right and actual version, flushing my browser's cache and replacing 2 files with the from Roel submitted version my problem is no longer a problem! Sometimes the problem is sitting only 40 cm in front of the monitor ;.)

All is running fine now and i'm happy!

Thanks Roel! Really great!


Hello Mike and John,

I think John's two questions are rhetorical questions wink
and therefore my answer to both questions is: Yes!

Don't ask me why it is not working as it should, but the good news is that I've already fixed both problems.

Mike, if you send me your email address (via the Contact Us page), then I will  send you a fix before the end of the day.





Hello Mike

I just tested. Nearly all seem to function as described here :

I had a "normal" user that had create/edit own events rights. And then a manager user. And a category with approval.

When the "normal" user creates an event with approval, he cannot himself approve the event. OK
Other users than the admin and managers cannot see the event as long as it is "not approved yet" OK
The "normal" user will not see the option to approve events in the dropdown. OK
The Manager-user can see the even that needs approval. OK
When the event is approved the event is visible as a "normal" event. OK
The manager-user cannot see the approval choice in the dropdown - I think this is not OK, as the manager has rights to approve.
When the event is approved the "normal" eventowner can edit the event. I think this is not OK, as it should then be locked for other users than the managers and admins.


There is 2 questions for Roel.
Should users with manager-rights not be able to see the list of events that need approval?
Should an approved event not be "locked" for the normal user even if he is the owner ?



They have then rights "create/edit" and "manager" - this should be enought?!




Hello Mike

You need manager or admin rights to approve events.
If the special user has at least manager rights, then he should be able to see the unconfirmed events.

What rights are the special user given ?


Hi there!

I need some help:

For our calendar there are several users having the right to create unconfirmed events and only 2-4 users having the right to confirm events. So for, so good, but:

When i'm logged in as admin, in the side menu it is possible to let me show the list of unconfirmed events. When i'm logged in as special user with the rights to create and edit events and manage all, i can't call this list and i don't understand why?!

It's just one step under the admin-rights but this feature ist not possible? Or am i false?

