13/07/2019 @ 9:30 - 12:00MP's Surgery Venue: The School Room
Category: Premises User
Norman Lamb, our local MP, holds his constituency surgery sessions at our church. To book an appointment call his office on 01692 403752.
Added: 17/12/2018 @ 16:59 (RonS)
Edited: 24/01/2019 @ 9:49 (Webmaster)
However, it was not "Webmaster" that made the deletion which is what the Edited line appears to be reporting. It was RonS
Here's what I saw on the email associated with the deletion sent at 9:49:
Deleted event:
Title: MP's Surgery
Date / time: 13/07/2019 @ 9:30 - 12:00
Venue: The School Room
Category: Premises User
Description: Norman Lamb, our local MP, holds his constituency surgery sessions at our church. To book an appointment call his office on 01692 403752.
Added: 17/12/2018 @ 16:59 (RonS)
Edited: 24/12/2018 @ 10:55 (RonS)
In the email report the edited line appears to show the last time RonS worked on the item, but it does not tell me who made the deletion, and I need to know that in case it is someone different - and in this case all of the MP's future events had been deleted and I needed to know if that meant I needed to update the page on the web site that lists all users of the church.
Can you investigate the apparent bugs what is displayed on the Edit line in various places, and perhaps consider adding a "Deleted" line indicating who made a deletion, if that was the action taken.
If it helps I am running 4.7.3M