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Topic review (newest first)
Webmaster Chuck wrote:Dan wrote:Hello,
Unless I am mistaken, the browser looks for a file with the filename favicon.ico and displays it. What I have always done if I want a different file is convert it to the favicon.ico file and save it in the root directory for the website. If in a sub-directory you could save it there to see if the browser will display it.
Good evening, Dan...
Normally, yes. However, in Luxcal it is hard coded to "lcal.png" file within the code.
For me, since I know PHP it wasn't hard to find and decipher what it was looking for, and where the file is located.
However, for others who aren't so versed, it would take them a while to figure that out.
I think the option and ease for an end-user to be able to define the filename / logo wanted, would be a nice, easy, added feature.
Good morning Chuck.
You are correct that LuxCal is hard coded to use lcal.png as the favicon.ico. I just created my own lcal.png 24 pixels x 24 pixels and use it. When I upgrade I replace the included lcal.png with the one I created.
Not being a coder I don't know how easy or difficult it would be to add the feature you describe.
Dan wrote:Hello,
Unless I am mistaken, the browser looks for a file with the filename favicon.ico and displays it. What I have always done if I want a different file is convert it to the favicon.ico file and save it in the root directory for the website. If in a sub-directory you could save it there to see if the browser will display it.
Good evening, Dan...
Normally, yes. However, in Luxcal it is hard coded to "lcal.png" file within the code.
For me, since I know PHP it wasn't hard to find and decipher what it was looking for, and where the file is located.
However, for others who aren't so versed, it would take them a while to figure that out.
I think the option and ease for an end-user to be able to define the filename / logo wanted, would be a nice, easy, added feature.
Unless I am mistaken, the browser looks for a file with the filename favicon.ico and displays it. What I have always done if I want a different file is convert it to the favicon.ico file and save it in the root directory for the website. If in a sub-directory you could save it there to see if the browser will display it.
How about a setting so the admin can easily change the favico.ico file, instead of having to modify css or code?