Thank you for the help. That works.
All fields with bold label must be completed before the form is submitted.
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LuxCal Web Calendar → Need Help → External link to open a specific event → Post new reply
All fields with bold label must be completed before the form is submitted.
Thank you for the help. That works.
Ah, I see.
This was a security risk in the 'old' LuxCal versions. Anybody could edit an event this way.
In the newer versions this is not possible anymore.
But since you are familiar with tailoring the calendar, I will explain what could be done:
The link to open an event in edit mode is . . .
http://<your calendar URL>?xP=31&action=edi0&eid=2957&evD=2019-05-17
The part &evD=2019-05-17 is optional (only required to edit a single occurence of a repeating or multi-day event).
However when you use this link from outside the calendar, you will get the message "you are not authorized to perform this action".
This message can be avoided by editing the file "pages/events.php" and at the end of the file, in the if-statement at line 459, replace "$mayEdit" by "true".
cP should be 31 / 32
BUT - in the newest versions, it seems that it is not possible any more, to specify an eventID.
Hello tssweene
You could use index.php?cP=30&eid=2957 if you want to edit and index.php?cP=31&eid=2957 if you want only to show.
Please try and tell if this was what you are looking for.
The previous LuxCal calendar was 2011 vintage and I had done some tailoring.
I am using MySQL version.
The outside program is a php application that I developed. It is a full on contact management/email system.
As part of the application, there are several calendar tie in's. For example, for each contact I can see activities, notes, calendar events. (yes I associate a luxcal calendar events to a contact). When I am looking at a contact at the list of events it provides the date, time and title of the event. There is a Edit button on this list that opened the calendar event up for editing. This link previously was "calendar/index.php?xP=12&id=2957" and it will pull up a specific event just like I had opened it from the LuxCal calendar.
That is what I mean by "open events to edit".
Hi there,
The way events are stored and retrieved from the database has not changed since very long. So if you could retrieve an event from the database in a past LuxCal version, it should be possible now.
But to answer your "If so, how?" question, I need much more details of what you exactly want to do, like . . .
- Are you using the MySQL or SQLite version of the calendar?
- What kind of program "outside of LuxCal"? An existing external application, or a PHP script produced by you, or something else?
- What do you exactly mean by "to open events to edit"?
I have a need to open events to edit from a program outside of Luxcal. On previous versions I could just include some parameters (page # and event #) on the link and open it directly.
Is this still possible? If so, how ?
LuxCal Web Calendar → Need Help → External link to open a specific event → Post new reply