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LuxCal Web Calendar

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Topic review (newest first)


What about RSS? As I recall LuxCal supports RSS so you can use a reader.



Hi there,

The LuxCal calendar can export a daily iCal file in the calendar's "files" folder. If the "other program" can read these files daily, it should be ok.
To set up the export of a daily iCal file, you will have to set up a cron job on your server (if not done already) to start the file lcalcron.php in the calendar root and on the admin's Settings page, under Periodic Functions, you should enable "Daily export of iCal events".
In the header of the lcalcron.php file you will find further details on how to set up a cron job on your server.



I recently installed the calendar and had one question. Is there a way to "subscribe" to the calendar so that events can be read by another program? For example, I use the iCal/Calendar program on our macs on phones and would like to have that program automatically read/update from the LuxCal calendar.  Any way to do this?
