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Topic review (newest first)
I guess it makes sense, right?
However important it is for me, I have tweaked your calendar to the limit and am using all available boxes as it is for filtering purposes. I got a great calendar as it is and am more than willing to wait for the regular version issue.
If I can help in any way with development tell me.
Hi Sigmark,
We find the suggestion of having a "to be approved" indicator per user group (rather than just for an event category) interesting and will implement this in the release after the next release.
The point is that we have planned a next release (V4.7.6) rather soon and this will be a release without database schema changes. For your suggestion a database schema change will be required, which takes much more effort and this version will not be released before the end of the year.
If it's important for you, I could try to produce a fix for you, for instance "misusing" one of the current check boxes of the user groups. Let me know if you are interested.
yes, that is what I meant. Overabundance of categories is what I am trying to avoid, already have 10+.
I have trouble with specific people planning work that they are prone to deliberately changing inputs of others and per user parameter ( need approval / input freely) would be a massive help. approving it from the category standpoint blocks out all users, including the non problematic ones too.
long put short:
Bobby makes mess in calendar - his inputs need to be approved by calendar overseer.
THAT would hit the spot
I just gotta say again I love the sqlite version more and more every day. portable, backup-able with something as primitive as daily ftp dump. I even made small php ecosystem around the calendar, which pulls various stats from the events list and counts important data for me. amazing
Hello Sigmark
You are probably aware that you can set a category for approval. You can then on the usergroup set only categories that are marked for approval available for the user group.
I know this is not exactly what you ask for. This could result in many categories needed to be created.
Is what you ask for this :
Possibility to set on a usergroup : events need approval.
Then - when a user belonging to a user group, where this is checked, then ALL events this user creates, will need approval.
A user belonging to a user group where the need-approval is NOT checked, will only create events that needs approval when the category says so ( like today ).
First please let me say that I love this calendar! I have adapted it in several instances, but have two issues which would move it from BEST department right into GODLY section among calendars
1) print in right menu seems not to work - would be nice to have print optimized view with date limitation
2) I would really love to have function available where I can set certain group of users´ contributions to the calendar as approval required, ideally based on role or group they´re in.
By the way, implementing SQLite version really hit the spot, makes the calendar perfectly portable and backup-able along with resto of the server.
Thank you for your awesome work!