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Hi John,

In your one but last post you wrote:

- cron reports: "NO emails & NO messages are to be sent"

So I assume you received an email from the calendar, sent to your admin mail address saying that there are no events due.
This means your cron job is running, I assume early in the morning, and is starting the calendar's lcalcron.php script. This is good! It also means that sending emails is functioning, so your mail settings should be fine. This is also good! However, the calendar thinks there are no events due and therefore no mails to be sent.
So we should find out why the calendar thinks there are no events due, while you think that there are events due.
Would it be possible to send me an email (via the Contact Us page) with the URL of your calendar and give me temporarily admin rights, so that I can have a look at how you have set up your events and analyze the problem.


Hi Schwartz,
Thank you again soo much for your kind help and patience. I will try your ideas and report back. I know this will work eventually smile



From what you write I assume:

- Your cronjob is running
- You can send mails if you do it from an event (using "now")

Have you tried making events with different mail-settings for ( 3, 2, 1 and o days)
As far as I know, the cronjob only uses the field "day(s) before event"

You can start the cronjob manually when making tests, if the "Cron job host" is set to "remote". Remember to set set it back when your testing is done. The "remote" allows the cronjob to be started manually from any browser. The setting "local" allows it only to be started at the same server where your calandar is.

I suggest you try with PHP mail as the setting for email.

As you apparently are able to send mails from an event, it should have nothing to do with sender-address. Most providers now demand that the sender address is an address belonging to your domain. If your domain is, then the mails sender-address should look something like


Hi everyone,
Well I *think* I am doing everything correctly.. but apparently NOT sad This is what I have:
- testing of sms WORKS (ie when you ask it to 'send now'..etc.
- cron job set up and working (as far as reporting and apparently running the script without errors)
- sms/emails are NOT being sent per the alarm (times & dates) that I set
- cron reports: "NO emails & NO messages are to be sent" (which is NOT true, as I said above, I HAVE been experimenting with sending them, so cron should NOT say there are not any)!

note: my vhost allows cron;
emails & sms are send just fine (but ONLY when I test them!) But when I set an alarm (notification) time & date, it ALWAYS fails!

Also I've tried testing the cron via the browser (and with webmin) as was suggested, and the only thing that works-- is the cron report (ie it sends an email telling me the 'incorrect' status, as mentioned above).

Please help me with some ideas of what this could possibly be.



Hi Schwartz! And thank you soo much for your help. I should have looked around a little more before posting! I am assuming that LuxCal will respond to cron job (programing), and since I have a virtual host, I believe this will solve my concerns of making sure any notifications/alarms, are handled properly smile
Have a great weekend,


I cannot give the full URL but on this site  you can find information on the cronjob.

In the menu item "add/on tools" you find information  about external cronjob providers

You can also make a search for "cronjob" and see some more information.


Hello Halvy

The calendar is always "on" as long as your ISP has your site up-and-running.
It will then always be ready to answer a request.

And then you have the notifications: This is done by a cronjob. If your ISP don't offer the cronjob service then you can have it set up at an external service. Some of these is free.
The cronjob is much like a user. But it is a user that is set up to use the calendar on a specific time of day.
If a cronjob is set up to run just after midninght, then the calendars cronjob-execution file will search the calendar to see if some mails has to be sent to advice the users. Also other tasks can be performed by the cronjob.

This will happen automatically at the specified time of day, and it will happen even if no real users is accessing the calendar.

The calendar will never be really "off" unless your site is "down". But if no cronjob is specified to be run, then nothing will happen in the calendar before a user accesses it.


Hi again everyone! I believe the notifications (alarm with email/sms/rss) ONLY work when the calendar is 'on', correct? Well since I will be using it in a SAAS (online) production, commercial situation soon, I will need to have the calendar 'always' activated, somehow. I am not sure how I will or can do this! I do have a vhost with that is always on, in a sense, because, well, when you goto my site, it works smile However, I am not sure if the calendar is 'aware' of this (yet). I mean, when you go there, the calendar shows up, and works;.. But what about alll that time, someone is 'NOT THERE'? Will the alarm notifications, still produce the desired outcome (ie, notify someone of an event - deadline? Or do they need to have their calendar page open--constantly??
I admit I am a little confused to the point where I am not sure this question even makes much sense. I suppose it is kinda like a cell fon.. if it is 'off' then it will not (normally) notify you of any alarm/calendar events. I know some of the fons 'may' wake-up to start the notification process, but not all. This is what I am concerned about here, with LuxCal, and my baby program smile