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Hello Roel,
Thank you for your  detailed reply.
Effectively, there are limitations or constraints for both solution.
I'll try to find the best one for our need.


Hi there,
When after having uploaded and reviewed the events from a .sql or .csv file and have selected "Add Events to Database", you can't easily remove them. That's why you can first review them before adding wink

Your 2nd question:
This is not so easy to answer; it depends on how you want it to work in detail.
The way you described it above is not possible, but maybe one of the following solutions will work for you:
1. With one calendar installation you can create as many calendars as you want, So you could for instance create a calendar per group and on the Settings page of each calendar, in the Events section, you could set "Show event details to users" to Logged in. Now you could give the Public User read access to each calendar. Group 1 can now open the calendar of group 2 and see all events, but no details.
2. If you don't want the Public User to have read access: Same as 1. above, but set Public user to group "No access" and on the Settings page, in section Events set "Show event details to users" to "disabled". Give the group members "post all" rights in their own calendar. and give the members f the other group "Read" rights

These two solutions have the disadvantage that you will have two calendars and the group members have to switch calendars to see  the calendar of the other group.
There is another possibility with just one calendar:
On the Settings page, in the Events section, set "Show event details to users" to "disabled" and give group 2 "Post all" rights and give group 1 "Post own" rights. Now group 2 can see the details of all events and group 1 can see only see the details of their own evens. (I've not tested this and don't know if this is a good solution for you)



Hi Roel,

Thank you for your reply.
But even if I imported a new calendar, and once it is done, I realize it is not the good one, is there a way to remove it ?

a subsidiary question :
I would like to share the same calendar between 2 groups of persons, but in such a way that the events are private for each group ? I mean that group 1 can see an event from group 2, but without the details of it ? I'm admin of both.

Thank you


Hi There,
When you import your holiday calendar (in iCal format), before it is added to the LuxCal calendar, all events to be imported are shown to you. So you can make changes before importing or just cancel the import if it is not the right calendar.


Please ?


Oh, Thx ! I'll try this...

How can I remove this calendar if however it is not the right one ? thx


In the calendars side-menu there is the options:
Event import(Ical file)
and Event import (CSV file)

In the files folder should be examples.


Hi guys,

How can I import a calendar, holidays for instance ?
What is the format used ?
Thx a lot