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Topic review (newest first)
Hi Steve,
So you would need a Time Picker with only 10am, 2pm and 8pm and nothing else, am I correct?
The user however, would always be able to modify the time by just typing it! (not using the Time Picker).
If this is what you need, I could modify the time picker for you (hard coded).
If you want this, send me an email with the LuxCal version in use.
Hi, I have a calendar for booking tables, I have the hours set, but for people to be able to book 8pm, ti have it set to 20 which shows 8:00pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 8:45pm is there a way to limit it to showing just 8pm
in fact we only allow tables to be booked at 10am, 2pm and 8pm, is there a better way to control the time input?