Thanks for the new release!!!
It is good to see, that LuxCal is still under development!

Because I have a lot of modifications in the  code for our specific calendar - so that it is a lot of work to upgrade - I would like to know what the plans are for further releases. Is there a roadmap you already can talk about?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Roel,

you are right - especially I am thinking from my special needs. I am doing a lot more with your calendar an have some extra pages. For example to organise some volunteers of our parish. It is a long list of them and having some real names gives much more overview an makes it easier to work with.

But even without my extra needs and extra pages:
Think of  a usecase with many users and the right to register themselves. Then you have a lot of fancy user-names  but perhaps you don't know who is behind this names.
Lets say there ist some kind of user manager, who wants to give all these users the apprpriate usergroup  ... dependent on some special taks they have to do.
Wouldn't it be god, to have the real names? Even better to have extra field for first name an surname.
They should be displayed in the user list. By the way - I added a table sort javascript function to the user list. Clicking the column head sorts the list with this column. So its easier to see for example who is in which user group...)

To be honest I would even like to have another field.
I have some other web projects where the user organisation is really important - and with all of them I am happy to have a field to write in some notices/remarks to that special user.

So - now you know why I am looking forward to have some extra fields for the users...
Thanks for listening wink

Hi, I was planning an update for my calendar - but now i will wait for the new release!

I have a question concerning further releases: Is there any plan to remove the "number" field from the database? I am still using this field for special needs. I know, that the field ist not used in the newer releases - so I have to think about how I will solve this problem.
By the way: I am using the field to store the real names of the users.
Would be nice to have such a field in next release.
Or am I the only one who would like to have this type of field?
Greetings and thanks for all this great code!


(9 replies, posted in Problems)

Hello Roel,

yes I know wink

Thanks a lot!


(9 replies, posted in Problems)

Good morning Roel,

month view is working correct for me.
With our settings we almost only work in week view, so I never noticed the "problem" has to do with different views.
Perhaps there hat been good reasons for coding it that way ...  -  would like to know when your memorie ist back wink

Thanks a lot!!!



(9 replies, posted in Problems)

Sorry - but I have to come back to this Topic.

Could you please test, if the tap/touch works both on month and week view!?

On my android only month view is showing event window after tap on event-title.
Week view only shows hover text...


(9 replies, posted in Problems)

thanks a lot for testing!
So I will have to find the mistake in my own code wink




(9 replies, posted in Problems)

Of course I am touching the event title ...
I am using 4.7.2 but I have to admit, that there is a lot of changes, that I made to the code in order to fit our needs. So it is possible, that there is something going wrong ...

I just tried out the demo page on the LuxCal homepage and there it works on mobile. Which version is running there?

In dw_functions.php I found this in "showEvents" function:

      if (!$isMob) {
        $click = ($evt['mayE'] ? 'editE' : 'showE')."({$evt['eid']},'{$date}')";
        $onClick = ($eDetails or $evt['mayE']) ? "<span class='point' onclick=\"{$click};\"" : "<span class='arrow'";
        echo "<div class='{$class}'>{$chBox}{$onClick}{$popAttr}>{$stiPrefix}{$evt['tix']}</span></div></div>\n";
      } else {
        echo "<div class='{$class}'>{$chBox}".(($eDetails or $evt['mayE']) ? "<span class='point' " : "<span class='arrow'")."{$popAttr}>{$stiPrefix}{$evt['tix']}</span></div></div>\n";

For me this seems, that there is no click function on event-title on mobile. So mobiles show the hover text ... - am I wrong?


(9 replies, posted in Problems)


doing a tap on touchscreen on an Event only shows the hover text - but not the event window. So there is no chance to edit an event on mobile device...
Or am I doing something wrong???


(1 replies, posted in Problems)


I like the possibility in 4.7.1 to write a user name to the recipient list instead of email address.
But there ist inconsistent handling of which characters are alowed ...

Adding a new user to luxcal all german "Umlaute" are possible. So adding user with username "äöüß" is no problem. Everything in the calendar works correct with this name. But adding this username to the recipient list for notification of edited calendar file (pSet[recipList]) leads to an error - saving is not possible ...

I did not try it via a txt-file and also did not check the "default recipient list" for notifications (pSet[defRecips]) ...
But I think it should be treated the same way everywhere in luxcal.


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Roel wrote:

If all LuxCal users would agree to start all over again from scratch . . . smile

Hi Roel,
if there are even more things than the extra fields you would do some other way after some years of luxcal experience, starting from scratch would be a chance to do that.
But if not I would say, a fresh start is not really neccessary.

Perhaps it is also possible to think of more and flexible fields like an "addon":
"In the basic version luxcal has two extra fields - enough for a lot of people - and easy to set up.
If you want more you can add the functionality of the extra field table..."

I think it would not bother anyone having two posibbilities. Except perhaps you - because as a developer you would prefer the "clean" way ... wink

Thanks for that!!!


Well - I think no one would have something against another full line of times to pick ?!
Indeed this is what I already have done for us.
I just add a "+1" in the "common/dtpicker.js" in the "tPicker" Function on line 153. So now it is:

  for (var i=dwStartH; i<dwEndH+1; i++){ 

This has done it for me.
And yes - it will be used quite a lot in our calendar.


PS But in this moment I think, I am wrong. Adding the "+1" is not a good Idea, when the last hour to show is set to 24 ... hmm


It's just a little detail, but would be nice to have:
Lets say, on the Settings page the "Start and end hour in Day/Week view" is set to 8:00 to 22:00.
Then - if you try to pick the end time of an event from the time picker, the last entry is "21:45".
But we have indeed a lot of events with ending at 22:00.
So it would be nice to have this time in the picker too ...
But I don't want to show 23:00 in the day/week view - only to have the possibility to pick 22:00 in the time picker.



(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)


I would like this too!
Because I need more fields for our needs, I already did a lot of scripting to realize that.
So - for me it isn't really necessary anymore.
But I believe more fields could catch even more users for LuxCal.
By the way: One way to achieve this would be a relational structure of the database - so that it would be possible to have as many fields as wanted. But of course - this would mean a lot of work to do ...


(Sorry for any bad English wink)


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Hello Roel,

thanks for the fast reply.
Great, when things get done so quickly. So I look forward to the new version...



(2 replies, posted in Problems)


seems to me, that the mail notification is missing, when deleting an event.
Adding and editing mails are send out corrrectly...



(6 replies, posted in Problems)

Hello and thanks for digging this out...
Perhaps it is really a very special use but it is one for us. Sometimes we need something like "every 5th wednesday in every month" ... Of course it is possible to do this manually. But we are going to change to Luxcal from webcalendar - so everyone is used to the possibility of somethink like that.

But never mind - I tweaked the retrieve function and the select of "ri2" in the repeating panel a little bit. So I got what I need.

Thanks for your  any efforts!



(6 replies, posted in Problems)

Thanks for your reply
and sorry for being imprecisely. I am not looking for an event on every 5th week - I would like to have the event on the fifth week of a month - of course only if there is a 5th week in that month.
But as far as I see this is not possible with luxcal at the moment...


(6 replies, posted in Problems)

can't find this option, but its very important for me.
Repeat on "last" weekday of month won't help in this case...

thanks alot for luxcal!!!
There is only one thing I really do not like in luxcal: doing everything with "post" data is leading to a lot of messages "please reload the page".
The browser back/forward button ist not really usable.
And using chrome, there is even that message when the browser starts an tries to open the page in the state of the last session.

Is there anything, that can be done against this???


while editing an event in the event window it is possible to click on the parent window. So for example clicking on some day in week view will close the event and opens a new event window.
No asking for saving - no warning ...
Doing some other action within the main window will bring the event window in the background and perhaps it will be forgotten.

I think it would be much better if the event window would be some kind of "modal".


(2 replies, posted in Problems)


I have to say, that I was using this field in some other way, because I would like to have the possibility to store the real name of the user. So I changed label to "Lastname, Firstname" and entered the names in that way.
Do you ever thought of fields for storing the real name?


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Can't find any hints for this in the "Whats New" area,
but there seems to be no "user number" anymore in 4.70.
Still in the database but not shown in the form of a users profile.
The line in the source code of "pages/users.php" ist commented out.

// echo "<tr><td>{$ax['usr_number']}:</td><td><input type='text' name='usrNr' size='30' value='{$user['usrNr']}'></td></tr>\n";

Bug or feature?


(11 replies, posted in Need Help)

Thanks Roel,

so I know, where to look - great!