(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

OK - I see the problem then.
Some not logged in users should be able to see the calendar and the content and some not logged in users should not be able to see the calendar.
And that is why you can't use any of the settings that could restrict access.

Then we are back to some change of code or a setting for the mail. I think only Roel can give the answer to that.
Even if the logical solution would be to restrict public access when public access to the calendar should not be possible, I see the problem with all the persons that would then need to make logins. And I see the problem for the people that have none or little knowledge to IT.


(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

It is possible to set the calendar up, so there is no public access.
You then have to be logged in to see the calendar.
This way it is still possible for a logged in user to send an email or SMS (or both) from the event.
The data attached to the event will still be sent (title, date and time and eventual attachments or other things registered for the event) but if the user clicks the link to the calendar it will not be possible for him/her to see anything. So the data in the mail is to be seen but the event in the calendar is not to be seen.

Is this what you want?


(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Hello Pat

Normally the access to the calendar is managed by setting the users (public, user and user group) credentials.
Who creates the booking event? Is it a user or is all allowed to do so?

If you could explain how the bookings are managed, maybe there would be a better solution than removing a link.


(7 replies, posted in Need Help)

In the calendars side-menu there is the options:
Event import(Ical file)
and Event import (CSV file)

In the files folder should be examples.


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

If you hover the "Powered by LuxSoft" in the calendars lower right corner you will see the version.

If look in settings then you will in the top see the version and also the PHP-version.

When did the problem occur - was it after an upgrade?


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

On calendarforum.dk REPORTICO is mentioned as a reporting tool.

For use of REPORTICO, you have to use the REPORTICO forum.

The calendar has the search-function, the displays and the PDF-print-function that can extract data.
The suggestion for using a report-tool is when you have a complex need for reports.

This forum is only for the use of the LuxCal calendar - not for various tools.
But maybe it is a simple "report" you need, and maybe the calendar are already capable of giving the data for that.
Could you explain what data it is you want to see?


(1 replies, posted in Problems)

Hello Nicole

In settings  in the View-section, You can specify settings for:
Side panel in Month, Week and Day view.
You can check if the minicalendar, images and the info area should be shown.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

What you ask for is already possible.

On calendarforum.dk - functions - Misc - help, you will find some description how to make custom help texts and in different languages.

There is a hierarchy how the calendar then will search

A "link" to the page:

calendarforum.dk / context-sensitive-help . html

You have to remove the spaces in the link.

The calendarforum is the same as clicking on "John's Site" to the left - market in red square with rounded corners.

Hope you find it.


(12 replies, posted in Problems)

Beware that there could be people that already uses subcategories and that expects that when a category is marked for using subcategories, then an event will/must have one of the specified subcategories.
It could be a state of an event: Booked, pre-booked, free.
Or it could be a type for the event:
Exhibition, lecture, film.

The category is a type, and the subcategory is a specification for that type. Maybe some admins wants always the users to specify the specification for the category type.

If change is made in a next release it would be good if it would be an option for a category that has sub-cats:
Sub-cat required 1,0 or Y/N  where the default is required, so the system acts as it does now.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

You can have lists with groups.
The calendar is for a football club.
The club has 5 teams.
You could then have a list for each team. Each list then had all the teammembers email-addresses.
The list can also hold SMS - but using SMS requires you have made an agreement with a SMS gateway provider.

In an event you can mix a recepient list with single mail-addresses.


You want to send an event-mail to a team. The team has a very new member that is not on the list yet.
You then just specify the members email AND then also the recipient list.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

Hello kevint392

You should use the reciepent-list feature.
In the reciplists folder you can have one or more textfiles - each with a list of reciepents.
In the folder is an example file.

If you in the eventwindow hover the red question-mark, you will see some more information.

You can also visit John's Site (menu to the left surrounded by red). Here you can read more about the features.
Unfortunately I cannot give links anymore.

From what you write I assume:

- Your cronjob is running
- You can send mails if you do it from an event (using "now")

Have you tried making events with different mail-settings for ( 3, 2, 1 and o days)
As far as I know, the cronjob only uses the field "day(s) before event"

You can start the cronjob manually when making tests, if the "Cron job host" is set to "remote". Remember to set set it back when your testing is done. The "remote" allows the cronjob to be started manually from any browser. The setting "local" allows it only to be started at the same server where your calandar is.

I suggest you try with PHP mail as the setting for email.

As you apparently are able to send mails from an event, it should have nothing to do with sender-address. Most providers now demand that the sender address is an address belonging to your domain. If your domain is mydomain.com, then the mails sender-address should look something like myemail@mydomain.com.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

I have come to this conclusion:

Because of the filters set up on this forum, it is now more difficult to see what is spam and what is not.
Earlier you could see on the silly posts that there was a link and then you could guess the reason for that post. Now there is no link anymore so it is not obvious.

It would be good if we could see a text i.e. "**Link removed**" if a link was removed from a post. (if this is what happens)


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

Hello Svetljjo

I am not sure what is going on here. You create a post where you ask for help for creating a post.
You make a new post where you ask how to answer a post - even it is obvious that the message field that is beneath the last post should be used for that.
And you ask if you can create a new user and password - even when you have managed this already, and therefore should be able to di it once more.

This forum is for users of the LuxCal calendar.
Even if the calendar is very easy to install and use, I will not recommend you begin the process by installing the calendar. When you are having so much trouble by managing posts on this forum, I think installing the calendar could be a troublesome job for you - even if it is not normally.

Could you please:
Log on to this forum.
Go to the bottom of this thread
Write a message telling us: what is your intention to be on this forum - and then submit the message.


(1 replies, posted in Need Help)

The same way you made your first??? post.
use "post new topic"

Or did you mean: How to create an event in the calendar?????

Or did you mean something else?
Please specify a bit more.

I cannot give the full URL but on this site calendarforum.dk  you can find information on the cronjob.

In the menu item "add/on tools" you find information  about external cronjob providers

You can also make a search for "cronjob" and see some more information.

Hello Halvy

The calendar is always "on" as long as your ISP has your site up-and-running.
It will then always be ready to answer a request.

And then you have the notifications: This is done by a cronjob. If your ISP don't offer the cronjob service then you can have it set up at an external service. Some of these is free.
The cronjob is much like a user. But it is a user that is set up to use the calendar on a specific time of day.
If a cronjob is set up to run just after midninght, then the calendars cronjob-execution file will search the calendar to see if some mails has to be sent to advice the users. Also other tasks can be performed by the cronjob.

This will happen automatically at the specified time of day, and it will happen even if no real users is accessing the calendar.

The calendar will never be really "off" unless your site is "down". But if no cronjob is specified to be run, then nothing will happen in the calendar before a user accesses it.

Hello John

Are we talking logging in on the same computer?
If it is a computer that is shared among users, then you can make a logout after you have made changes as admin. Then a "new" user on the computer will be treated as a "guest" by the calendar.

If we are talking about differenet computers, then logged in as admin on one computer should not affect other computers.

The login is stored in cookies. If you have a Chrome browser and a Firefox browser on the same computer then you can be logged in in a session using the Chrome browser - and not logged in in a session using the Firefox browser.

Please give some more explanation about what you mean you can achieve by editing the config file.
The config is stored in the database and there is a lcconfig.php created on the server by installation (that you should not edit).


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

When on the Settings page, in the Views section, you set "Weeks to show in Month view" to 0 (zero), you will always see the full month and the inner arrows will always skip to the next or previous full month.

You will then have a calendar that "operates" on month - just like your old paper calendar.
And you also have the image for a month. You can replace the month-images with some of your own images - just remember to give the images the same names as the examples.

Please tell if this is close to want you want to achieve.


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

You copy the images from the sidepanel/samples folder to the sidepanel folder

You should then have 01month.jpg, 02month.jpg 03month.jpg and so on in the sidepanel folder

In settings - views you set the fields in the line : Side panel in calendar views
To:  2 (month view) for the "Mini Calendar", "Images" and "Info area".
You could instead just set the value 2 for the "Images" field.

This will put the image for the chosen month in the side-panel.
Imagine that the inner triangle was made for scrolling one month -
You would then see the calendar for a month and the corresponding image for that month when you "scroll". You could also have some info text for that month. Maybe just a headline with the month-name.

If it was not made so difficult to make links, I could show an example - d... those spammers.


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Hello Bobonwhidbey

I like the the idea of scrolling through months. Maybe it could be a matter of setting. Scroll like now - or scroll through month (inner triangle) and year (outer triangle).
I support this idea.

About the colors: I think this could be too many colors.

Are you aware of the possibility with the side-panel. If you could scroll through months then you would see a different image in the side panel for every month - just like the "old paper calendar"

Just a thought


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

You can have the background set by the user-group


(5 replies, posted in Need Help)

You have to have a category set for todo.

Look here : *calendarforum.dk/categories(dot)html*

You can take a look for information here:


And here


You can copy the "links" between * into the browsers URL-field - it should function
Replace the (dot) by a dot.
Hope you are helped by this

All those special dates for different countries could be a h... of work to program.

But many of those special dates can be found as tables on the net - or can be made manually.
I could suggest :
A setting in the recurring: Dates according to file xxx.yy

The file should/could contain a list of dates in a pre-defined format.
Then  an event- serie could have a file-name with dates for that type of event.
Just an idea.


(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

Just a tip :

You could also insert a special UTF8 character as this : ⛔  or ❌ or 🔴. Could be inserted before and after the text.

Putting such characters into the title wil be maybe more eye-catching. You can combine it with strike-through in the existing title