(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

LOL, Roel. I've worked in computers all my life and can never understand why folks like the 12hr format.

I understand why you don't want to go there.  I have done it on my site including allowing the user to pick the date format.  It's nothing but a headache.

I was able to find a way to accommodate the request.  If there's a way I can contact you privately, Id be happy to share it with you.

Thanks for your quick reply.


(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

I've seen several posts related to time but none that address a unique request I got from a user the other day.

Is there a way to allow a Public user to change the time display format?

Here's my scenario.  The calendar is to provide my users details about upcoming events.  All users are Public users and have no need to add events to the calendar.

They can, via the Options change the display mode to their liking. (i.e. Year, Month, Day, Category, etc.)  What they can't change is how the times are displayed on the calendar.  By default, I have the calendar set up using 24hr time format.  But some users would prefer 12hr time formats.

I've been unable to find anywhere a way for the user to set the time format they would prefer.  Is there a way to do this?

I struggle with time displays throughout the website.  Time always seems to be a PITA!  But I've always seen where 24hr time is very confusing to a lot of folks so having the ability for them to set this through the Option box would be of great benefit.