Hi Roel,

Here's a neat trick I was recently able to add to the calendar.

I use my iPhone and iPad to create events, and realised I can make this process easier if I can get the "digits" keypad to pop when i select the start and end time boxes. As luck would have it the "decimal" keypad includes the digits AND a period, and the calendar code treats the period the same as a colon!

All I needed to do was edit /cal/pages/eventform1.php and add inputmode='decimal' into the span dTimeS and dTimeE elements.

Here's one in context:

<span id='dTimeS'{$hidden}><input inputmode='decimal' class='time' type='text' name='sti' id='sti' value='{$sti}'>

- Greig.


(0 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

I'm experimenting with a third party e-mail-to-SMS service, but my messages aren't getting through to them and I'm struggling where to find SMTP logging in LuxCal.

I'm receiving "changed event" e-mails OK, but no others (like "Send mail: Now" ones), and of course none of my SMS attempts.

My Mail server is set to "PHP mail".

/var/log/mail.log & mail.err don't show me a lot. I *think* this is a successful mail (in mail.log), but that's all I've been able to find:

Nov 16 16:38:19 web2004 sSMTP[3186940]: Creating SSL connection to host
Nov 16 16:38:20 web2004 sSMTP[3186940]: SSL connection using ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Nov 16 16:38:23 web2004 sSMTP[3186940]: Sent mail for <SENDERS-MAIL-ADDRESS> (221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel) uid=33 username=www-data outbytes=2012

That's not telling me much, other than that the sender send a mail about something, to someone.

Is there more logging to be found, or somewhere I can increase the logging detail?




(5 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

I'd like that. smile

Day marking is really just a particular kind of event anyway...

- Greig.


(5 replies, posted in Problems)

(I probably should point out that I live in 'month' view)


(5 replies, posted in Problems)

You need to get out more! wink


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Don't worry Hubert you're not going mad. I've seen this too, but only once, and I've not been able to reproduce it.

It would have either been on Edge on Windows 10 or Safari on my iPhone, I don't remember which.

- Greig.


(5 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

I've gotten used to clicking on the title bar of a day to add a new event, and the new Day Marking hijacks that process.

Clicking on the title bar has been the only way to add an event to a day that already has several events, and the day frame/box is full, so there's no remaining "white space" in which to click to add the new event.

Is there another way to add an event to a day, or perhaps a setting I can change? (I tried to see if I can disable Day Marking but I couldn't find it).



Would be great if you can, but prioritise it as appropriate...

i have a kludge at the moment: I set a recurring event on the 30th of each month and then manually "edit this occurrence" in months that have 31 days. (And manually add one for Jebruary 28/29).

- G.

We're on LuxCal calendar: 5.2.1M (us), and I was still seeing the RESTART prompt up until I created the new credentials for each device. (I am permanently signed-in on three). Maybe that last step has finally suppressed it. It would be worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize if you've finally managed that. I'll get the nomination drafted now...

Thanks for the compliment, but I don't think it was all that clever to add the spaces: I just kept Previewing the post until I could get the "don't include URLs" warning to go away.

- Greig.


(5 replies, posted in Problems)

Thanks Roel.

Just by way of background, this makes credential management using my password manager more difficult. The same website now needs multiple sets of credentials saved for it, and the password manager isn't aware of 'context' like this, so it can't auto-fill the right set of credentials depending on the device I'm logging in from.

- G.

I've long cursed the PHP SESSION EXPIRED popup, and have only recently come up with a tiny panacea for it (which is only useful on a Desktop PC or device with a keyboard).

If you edit /www/cal/pages/alert.php to add "autofocus" to the RESTART button as shown below, pressing RETURN is all you need to do to restart the page.

$rButton = "<button type='button' onclick=\"window.location = window.location.h ref.split('?')[0];\" autofocus>{$xx['restart']}</button>\n"; //restart button

This works on Edge (so presumably also Chrome) but I've not tested it with any other browsers.

Note that the code above has a space added in "h ref" to get around the block for posting URLs, so be careful if you copy this line directly into your own calendar.

- G.

Hi Roel,

Does the calendar have the capacity to support repeating events on the first or last days of the month?

I have things I want to be reminded of each calendar month, and having that as a repetition option would be great.

Here's a dodgy mockup:

htt s://greiginsydney.com/random/luxcal-setRepetition.jpg


- Greig.


(5 replies, posted in Problems)

Aha! Thanks Roel, I was having the same problem.

Is this a temporary work-around or a 'permanent' fix?

- Greig.

Right, gotcha! I didn't realise it was the side-effect of a deliberate tightening of security. You can't argue against that!

Thanks for clarifying.

- Greig.

Does anyone have a definitive fix for this issue? My partner and I are both in the habit of leaving a tab permanently open/pinned to the calendar, and probably on a daily(?) basis it presents the Session Expired error.

We've been using - and loving - LuxCal for years, and this is a relatively recent occurrence. Reports here probably put it in the ~4.7.5 time period. (We're currently running 4.7.8M (us)).

Or is it tied to a PHP update and the calendar version is a coincidence?

I note that the demo calendar site here does it too: www.luxsoft.eu/luxcal/. Just open a tab to it, then come back tomorrow and engage with it.


- Greig.

Ahaaaaa. OK, so that explains an intermittent inconsistency I was seeing when rotating the phone. The arrows WERE indeed moving relative to the centre of the screen, but now I get it. Thanks for that. I think this is a great tip to apply to ANY site viewed on a mobile.

I think the "funky arrow placement" issue was resolved by the tweak you gave me to the CSS last weekend, or explained by the above - but I still had the issue with the arrowheads not working, but instead bringing up the Options menu.

On the h3 area, my best guess is this was something like a Z-order issue (or some weird situation with two clickable elements competing) as it vanished as soon as zapped the onClick.

Regardless: I'm all good now. I appreciate you taking the time to look into this one, and your tip above was REALLY helpful.

- G.

I agree Roel - there's nothing more frustrating than trying to debug and fix something that won't happen for you.

I've uploaded another image - this time of your own demo site, which manifests the same issue to me when I try it on my iPhone.

https: // greiginsydney.com / random / luxcal-demo-bug.jpg

Don't worry if you can't get it to happen, as I've worked-around it and I'm happy. (I'll give it a week before I revive my remaining bug-bear, the session expiry thread.)

- Greig.

Press F12 to bring up the developer view, then centred at the top of the screen are the view options. At the top left is your pick-list of phones, and you can create custom ones if you don't see yours there. The circular icon at the extreme right of that horizontal menu is the landcape/portrait toggle.

Vertically along the RHS is the code and the log of interactions between client and server. In the top section if you select Elements (which is currently my default - it may be yours too) in the menu at the top and click through the HTML, as you highlight each element it adds colour to reveal where that is in the rendered page.

The entire left view (that of your 'mobile') is clickable/active.

It was this process that led me to the h3 for the offending popup options menu. It took some grepping to find where "when done click this header" lived in the code, bouncing me through the languages files before directing me back to header.php and my current solution.

- G.

I just did a naughty and killed the "onClick" event @ ~line 213 in \common\header.php:

This is the new line:
<h3 class='floatC point'\">{$xx['hdr_options_submit']}</h3>

The forward and backwards buttons now work beautifully in portrait and landscape. Yes, it's a kludge and will be blown away with the next update, but it brings me some immediate peace with no loss of functionality [that we use].

I'll happily reinstate it if you'd like me to try a CSS-based fix Roel, but if not I'm OK calling this issue closed.

- Greig.

Thanks Roel, not perfect but I think we're getting closer. The "forward" button is now happier, but only on landscape mode, but I think I can see why.

I've uploaded a new image from my browser that shows my remaining issue in both portrait and landscape:

https: // greiginsydney.com / random / ical-floatC.point.jpg

I'm not sure what it's telling me though: is it a Z-order issue, or is that h3 zone - the blue highlight - just not being correctly calculated?

On a large screen it's only "hot" towards the left edge, far away from the arrow.

- G.

Thanks Roel.

That looks to have fixed it when the phone is landscape, but no apparent change in portrait. F12 confirms same: renders as expected in iPhone emulation when landscape, but still overlaying each other and messed in portrait.

We also tried setting it to 600 and then 400 given the phone is 375 wide (x 667 high) in portrait mode but that didn't help.


- G.

I've just found the Luxcal demo site also demonstrates the same issue:


Versions: LuxCal calendar: 4.7.7M (us)
 PHP: 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 - Show info
 Database: MySQL V5.7.29-0ubuntu0.18.04.1

The calendar requires you to login to see anything, and I'd rather not expose its link publicly either.

I've sent some more details through via the Contact Us page.

- Greig.

Hi All,

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered what I suspect is a CSS bug affecting the 'forward' and 'back' buttons when I view the calendar on my iPhone 8?

When I press either button - whether in landscape mode or portrait, Safari or Chrome - I get the 'change view' popup, with the "When done click this header or 'Done'" message. It's not my fat fingers.

If you use the F12 dev mode in desktop Chrome / Chromium and tell it to be any kind of mobile phone you'll see the page renders the buttons rather weirdly, and I'm guessing this is related:



(Apologies for the unclickable links - the forum won't let me insert an image or a formatted URL.)

The same issue existed on my previous iPhone 6 - it's been a long-standing cause for expletives at a calendar we can't otherwise live without.

