(3 replies, posted in Problems)

1. My calendar is embedded in an <iframe> and the new(ish?) "Full Screen" button near the Login link has no effect. Is there a way to make this not appear?

2. In the Month Gird view to the right of the bar showing the days of the week is an inverted V button that belongs at the top of a scrollbar. If the window is wide enough there is no need for the scrollbar and the main monthly grid widens to occupy the full width of the window. The days of the week then no longer align with columns in the main grid. Is this a bug or something wrong in my configuration?

Roel, It seems Images need to be disabled from the forum as we can't post links! Hopefully the line below will get through if you add the necessary prefix and take out the spaces.

Find an image  (for the next week or two) at  gregchapman. me. uk / screenshot-333.jpg


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

It seems my subscription email never arrived (it's not in Spam) and I missed your response.

I've tried again to update today and got the same result as last time, so I'm back restored to 5.2.0

I guess I need to spend a little time looking at looking at the code after I have done an update. I don't think it's a cache issue this time, but I could easily be wrong. I tested it a browsers/devices I never normally use to view the calendar.

I'll try to make time for that over the next couple of weeks, but life is going crazy at the minute.

I'm slightly reluctant to do a manual update as a one off as that puts Softaculous records of updates out, and normally it goes very smoothly with just one click. I'll let you know if I need to call on you.

Thanks for your excellent support offer!


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

My copy of LuxCal is installed via Softaculous, the "one-click app installer" software my hosting service provides.

Yesterday I updated to v5.2.1 from 5.2.0 and I was left with a calendar that appeared to have lost connection with its stylesheets.

I was able to use Softaculous' Backup process to return my installation to 5.2.0.

As I see no reports here of anyone suffering anything similar I realise this is something I need to take up with my hosting service or Softaculous, but it might help to know if there is anything different with this most recent update that might have disrupted the Softaculous update script.


(1 replies, posted in Problems)

Ok! I can!

But I couldn't until I got my browser to display only the Forum Frame.

Only then do items on the main menu after "Rules" appear to operate.

Is this just affecting me (on Firefox, Chrome and Edge on my desktop)?



(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

That's exactly what I wanted!


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Oops! Solved!

Refresh the page and it comes good!

It seems something in the code has changed and my users' browsers (and mine!) were fetching the widget CSS from their cache.


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Since updating to 5.2.0 I find that all the small calendar widgets seem to have lost connection to their CSS.

They display with a transparent background, the "Today" button is left aligned, rather than centred and similar poor formatting.

Is there an easy fix for this?


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

We use Luxcal for church bookings. It has a number of different rooms, the use of which we record, and we have half a dozen calendar editors.

Yesterday, someone who has just started making entries again after many months of COVID lockdown, commented "Oh! I have to type the venue. I was expecting a drop-down list to pick from".

Great idea, I thought, as our existing editors all use slightly different formats to describe the various rooms, some not capitalising their entries, some using abbreviations such as "Rm" for room, some adding a "The" at the beginning.
It would be good to standardise the format of rooms to avoid confusing ordinary visitors to the calendar.

Is there any chance that, in the next release, the calendar Admin can specify all possible venues and have them appear on a drop-down list, rather than an editor having to type them?


(4 replies, posted in Suggestions)

You're right, of course.

(Event-wise, it's been a bit of a year off! I should have been taking more notice of all the options I've not needed to use! smile )


(4 replies, posted in Suggestions)

I haver another request related to this following my realisation that, in conjunction with mail list software (as reported at my realisation seen at:
(Understand the URL issue but is there a chance you can allow internal links?)
there's the option to email a large number of people using the "Send to [members]" feature when an event is created or edited in the calendar

We have over 20 people authorised to edit our calendar, and as COVID lock down diminishes we are getting a lot more events posted. As Calendar administrator I get a number of emails from folk who think they are responding to whoever entered or updated an event. Is it also possible to add a "Reply to" field in the "Send Mail" section of the "Event Add/Edit" dialogue that is pre-filled with the address of the event editor (perhaps together with an "And Calendar Administrator" checkbox)?


(4 replies, posted in Problems)

It's just occurred to me... I have been turning a blind eye to the solution that is in my hands.

The account at my hosting service is managed through cPanel. It includes Mailman software, pre-configured so it can't break their email policies. I'll just have to go through the pain of looking at every one of the packages almost infinite options to make sure it doesn't produce any unwanted surprises for the current purpose.


(4 replies, posted in Problems)

Thanks for the prompt response and info - even though the answer's not the best. sad

The number of emails would certainly be under 125 even allowing for a little expansion in the foreseeable future.

I use SMTP to send my emails. I don't suppose it would be possible to intercept all emails from the "diary@mydomain.com" address and send them through a CRON routine that stopped them being processed immediately?

The only other approach I can think of is to use a single address  in Luxcal which is directed to external mail list software that is capable of delivering the required load on the server. Trouble is the only scripts that I know that would do that are all enormously complicated to set up for such a simple task.

I guess there are none that you know of that may be appropriate?


(4 replies, posted in Problems)

Just heard from my hosts support desk. They say:

There is a limit in the mail gateway of 25 emails per 30 minutes from a single address. On the server its 100 per hour.
To be safe stagger the emails sent to 25 per 30 minutes that would prevent any issues.


(4 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

It's been a while since I've had to ask a question about Luxcal. Our diary has been rather empty over the last year!

As we recover from lockdown our calendar is about to become populated with events again and I am thinking that our entire membership ought to be informed, via email, when certain events are entered.

That means there will be a lot of addresses in my "members.txt" recipient list file.

Does Luxcal include any code to breakdown into smaller groups and delay the sending of emails to stop my web host treating such bulk emails as those generated by a spammer?

If not, do you have any suggestions on how to ensure that all members receive notifications of events?


(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

Many thanks Schwatz. Worked like a charm!

In my case I created the new calendar as I had my previous one - by using my host's app installer Softaculous. Just making sure that I  installed it into the same directory as on my previous host was about all I had to do. It appeared embedded in the transferred site as well.


(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

I'm changing web hosts. Both use cPanel as the user interface. Both have the Softaculous app installer available through which I can install Luxcal.

What's the best approach to transferring all user data across to the new server?


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

Thanks for testing.

I have re-tested and think your guess of "finger trouble" may have been the problem. Certainly, it seems to be working for me now.

Sorry to put you to trouble! wonderful service - as ever!


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

Thanks for investigating.

I have sent you an email with your login credentials.


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

I logged out from my Administrator address.
I re-opened the Login dialogue
I filled in the username for my administrator account
I deleted the password automatically filled by my browser
I clicked the "Send new password" button
I received an email with a new password.

However, when attempting to use the new password it was rejected and my old one still worked.

Have a found a bug or did I do something unexpected.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

Many, many thanks to Roel.

I sent him a (4.7.5M) backup file that refused to import into my newly updated 4.7.6M copy of LuxCal and within hours have had a working file returned to me.

Even the most expensive software packages don't reliably offer the level of service I have experienced with LuxCal.

You're the best!


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

Hi Roel

I have made a major cock-up!

I had an old installation (4.7.3M) on my server and my live copy (4.7.5M) of Luxcal. Due to poor memory and my utter stupidity, I managed to delete the live copy of my calendar and upgraded the old copy to 4.7.6M (which stopped being maintained in April this year).

(In case it is relevant, bth of these copies were installed via the Softaculous app installer on my host's cPanel software.)

Hunting around my server, I found a database backup that my host produces overnight and have downloaded it to ensure I have a copy in my host should assume it is no longer needed and deletes it.

I tried using Using LuxCal's "Restore Database" facility using the 4.7.5 SQL backup file I had found on the server, but that produced errors when restored into the 4.7.6 version of the calendar and leaves me stuck on the Database Management screen.

(I guess that maybe either because the backup file is for a different database name to the one I am importing it into or because of some change in the format of the files between the two versions.)

What can I do to get Luxcal to import the 4.7.5 backup file into my live 4.7.6 calendar?


(11 replies, posted in Problems)

Many thanks! As reported in my email the new calendar with the old data now appears to be working well and is embedded in the original page on my site, so the upgrade will have been pretty well invisible to my users.

It does look as if you and Free_Being were right and, in the end, it was probably only a problem with cookies/cache.

I was partly put off trying Free_Being's solution as I have no idea how to delete a php session. (Ignorance makes anything seem complicated!)


(11 replies, posted in Problems)

Finally, I am back on the case!

Roel, you should find the file you need in your Inbox.


(11 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

Many thanks! I'll take up that offer!

I couldn't ask for more!

But I won't be able to supply the file till the early part of next week as I'm away at a conference till then.



(11 replies, posted in Problems)

I'm still running 4.7.3 and have just tried to upgrade to 4.7.5 but the same (or a related) issue appears still occurs. I get a "PHP Session Expired" message whenever I go to login. I've had to use the Softaculous backup facility to get back to 4.7.3 which continues to run just fine.

I really do need to sort this out. I've now got a second new installation created and want a way of importing all my existing data.

I see that this alone doesn't do it:

1. Do an full iCal export
2. Create brand a new installation of LuxCal
3. Import the iCal data

as it seems that I need to get all my categories entered first and maybe other settings?

What files in installation of 4.7.3 would contain the necessary data?