I opened in in a browser and it shows: C:\Users\deaky\AppData\Local\Temp\yTPmIRhF
1 2021-01-25 22:58:09
Re: Can't get to log in on during installation (4 replies, posted in Need Help)
2 2021-01-23 18:55:34
Re: Can't get to log in on during installation (4 replies, posted in Need Help)
It says: application/x-httpd-php (4.4 KB)
then the download shows: OL1P44PH (12 KB)
3 2021-01-22 21:31:28
Topic: Can't get to log in on during installation (4 replies, posted in Need Help)
I have followed the instructions to install luxcal on my web server, but I don't get the redirect to the install510.php script. I never get an installation page; instead, it downloads the file.
This is where I have the problem: With your Web browser browse to the folder of the LuxCal installation; this will redirect you to the installxxx.php script ('xxx' is the calendar version number) and show the Installation page.
5 2019-05-28 00:43:03
Topic: Logo won't display (2 replies, posted in Need Help)
I have tried to add my logo to the calendar with different path settings on the Settings page, under General, "Path/name of logo image" and none are working. I uploaded my logo and it is there, but it will not display. It did add 0002~ in front of the filename, and I tried adding that also, but still didn't work. All I see is the "logo" placeholder in the top left of the calendar.
Is there a special trick to get the logo displayed on my calendar?