I opened in in a browser and it shows: C:\Users\deaky\AppData\Local\Temp\yTPmIRhF

It says: application/x-httpd-php (4.4 KB)
then the download shows: OL1P44PH (12 KB)

I have followed the instructions to install luxcal on my web server, but I don't get the redirect to the install510.php script. I never get an installation page; instead, it downloads the file.

This is where I have the problem: With your Web browser browse to the folder of the LuxCal installation; this will redirect you to the installxxx.php script ('xxx' is the calendar version number) and show the Installation page.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

That worked. Thanks


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

I have tried to add my logo to the calendar with different path settings on the Settings page, under General, "Path/name of logo image" and none are working. I uploaded my logo and it is there, but it will not display. It did add 0002~ in front of the filename, and I tried adding that also, but still didn't work. All I see is the "logo" placeholder in the top left of  the calendar.
Is there a special trick to get the logo displayed on my calendar?