(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Thanks Roel for the quick response.
Actually, I was working on a solution while you posted the two alternatives, and had already found a third possibility:

In event.php there is two occurences of INSERT INTO.
I just changed that into INSERT IGNORE INTO.
The error transforms into a warning that does not show, and it works. So I think I will stick with that for the time being. That being said, I won't mind doing some more translating for you. If you do not have my email address that I registered with, I will send it to you.

/Christer smile


(2 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel!

I am running LuxCal 4.2.2M.
My website has been moved to a new infra structure with "Strict SQL Mode".
This prevents INSERT INTO sending empty strings, resulting in error:
[ calendar/index.php - SQL execute error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'editor' doesn't have a default value ]
And there is my problem. I cannot input new events into the calendar.

Is there (hopefully) an easy fix to this?
If not - and an upgrade is necessary - does version 4.7.5M handles this "strict mode" correctly?

Kind regards from a previous translator of your calendar smile