(5 replies, posted in Need Help)

There is also the super-compact display4. This can be set so there is only one line per event and it can be set with or without line-wrap.

It can be set as the default, and then via a button, the user can "unfold" the display. The unfolded version could be the display 3. You can style the displays so they will have the same impression.


(5 replies, posted in Need Help)

The toggle between two display-versions can be very handy, especially when you have events that sometimes has long descriptions.
Then the collapsed version is good, because you don't have to scroll through a looong list, but can have a quick overview.
Then you can click an event to see the full description - but - when you want to see for more events then it is much quicker to unfold the display and then scroll instead of clicking more events.


(5 replies, posted in Need Help)

Hello Ladjets

Maybe you could have a collapsed version and an expanded version. It is then possible via html in the calendar-name to make buttons where you can toggle between the expanded version and the collapsed version.
See a test here: https://bramminginfo.dk/luxcal533b1/display3a.php
If it can be used I will tell how to..

The shown example can be made in existing and earlier versions - as well in the coming version(s)


(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

What is the category for the existing event? And how is the overlap-setting for that category?
What is the category for the new event? And how is the setting for that category?
Beware that events that is made before the overlap-setting is set, is not checked.

It is not possible to make 2 events for the same period if the 2 events has a no-overlap-allowed category


(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Oh - one thing more.
On the category you can also specify a text that is shown to a user when overlap is detected.
"Overlapping event - specify another time".
"overlap - events must have a minimum gap of 10 min."


(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

On a category you can specify for "No overlap allowed" :
Same category
All categories

And you can set a gap (0-720 minutes).

This gap is used when you have a booking. It could be a sportsclub that have some lanes.
Now you want to book a time-slot for a lane, and you specify that.
But it takes some minutes to prepare the lane after you have used it - or before. This is where you can use the gap. If you set a gap of 10  minutes, then it will not be possible to make an event in the time specified for an event - but it will also not be possible to have a new event that is closer than 10 minutes to the already specified event.


(6 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Hello Dirk

Maybe I misunderstand you, but this should already be possible.
On a category you can specify if overlapping is allowed. It can be for the same category - or it can be for all categories.

This (booking) feature is rather advanced.
It should be set on the category if overlapping is allowed.

If you use the coach to be the eventowner where the users when an event is made, has to transfer ownership, then the category is the one ressource in a matrix and the eventowner is the other ressource in the matrix.
The "players" is specified in the notification field - either as names or numbers specified separated by semicolons or as participants/players that is registered in a list and then the list is registered in the notification field.
When a normal user has transferred ownership, then only the new owner (depends on the settings you make) can edit the event. The coaches could be managers in the calendar.

You can have a display that is set up to show all events for a user (coach) - this will make it possible to have the dosplay on his mobile and then he can always see the coming "matches" he is responsible for as coach.

There could also be displays for the tennis-lanes so all users can see when the lanes is booked. The displays is very handy for mobiles.

If CRONJOB is active then the players will automatically be notified by mail, SMS and/or Telegram.

It is possible for a coach to select on a list all "his" matches. The only thing I can think of that is not possible is that the coach could select a list of "his" matches and then the list accumulated and showed the total time/duration of all the events on the list.

You could maybe use the matrix views for the categories.
And if the coach is set as owner for the event (a user can transfer ownership of an event), then the coaches can also use the matrix view.
MatrixC) for the category and Matrix(U) for the users/coaches.

I think we are maybe back to one of the things the booking-feature was made for.

I will describe some scenarios:

Scenario 01
You have a category for each of the activities: Tennis and football.
For the tennis category you have set that booking the court is with fixed time (ie. 2 hours) and a gap is set to be 15 minutes (to prepare the court for new players).

When players makes an event (booking) for the tennis-court, they set the players in the notification-field so they can be notified x days before the match. When the event is made, no-one else can book the tennis-court in the specified time.

This is the booking for the court. Then you have a tennis coach. He checks via a list where he selects the category=tennis. He now sees that from xx to yy there must not be made more bookings as he will have used his amount of time.
He then makes an event(booking) that spans from xx to yy. He uses the tennis-category for the event, which means that the footballers are still free to book the footbal lane.
No tennis persons can then no more make bookings before the time yy is reached.

Scenario 02
Same as scenario 01, but there is only one coach so the coach has to block all activities in the period xx to yy.
He (the coach) then simply makes an event where he uses a category that blocks all other categories.

If you have more tennis lanes, then you make a category for each lane.

Monday        from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx
Tuesday       from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx
wednesday  from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx
Thursday     from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx
Friday         from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx
Saturday     from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx
Sunday       from xx-xx to xx-xx in the period  from yyyy-xx-xx to yyyy-xx-xx

And then users in that group are only allowed to register events that lies within these specifications?
This could make multi-day events impossible to register.

I think it would be a rather specific feature. What could it be used for?

So it should be something like a setting on user-groups.

I am having trouble with the system - even if I use no links the system think I do.
I will try to split up in more posts

Are you aware of the booking-facility in LuxCal.
It is possible to block other events for a category (or for all categories) by specifying this for a category.
Then - when an event is made that has that category it will not be possible to have other events in the period for an event with same category (or all). If "same category" is checked then no other events with that category can take place in the event period.
If "all categories" is checked, then no other events can take place in the event-period - whatever the category.

Is this kind of what you ask for?


(3 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Good idea - but:
Are you aware that you can specify a recipients-list?

You can have different pre-made lists.
You can have a list  named TeamA. In this list is the names of teammembers on teamA.
When you on an event specifies TeamA in the reciipients field, then messages is sent to all in the list.

You can even have recipients that is not a member of the calendar.
The calendar is for an art-gallery. There is a vernissage on xx.xx.xx.
You want to send notifications to relevant people. You have a list where you specify the recipients by their mobile number (in case of SMS) mailaddress or Telegram (in case of a Telegram message)
You have a list with a mix of calendar-users and non-calendar-users.
The list is named: galleryfriends
You specify "galleryfriends" in the recipient field and you check "send now". Messages is sent to all on the list.
If you specify a number of days (and have cronjob activated) then a notification is sent the specified number of days before the vernissage takes place. All is automatic.

Is this kind of what you ask for?


(4 replies, posted in Need Help)

Showing a calendar from a domain other than the domain where the the iframe is located, is done the same way.
It is just an URL that has to be specified in the iframe.
But beware:
If the iframe is on a secure domain/page and the calendar is on a not secure domain then it is not possible.

I have tried to describe with better text, but the forum does not allow some words.

The words is h t t p and h t t p s - without the spaces


(1 replies, posted in Need Help)

I will try:
I suggest you use the L-version.
Download and unpack.
Upload the files to a subfolder on your server.
Start the calendar.
This is explained in the guide that is in the package. It is as easy as it is written.

For the steps until now, WordPress has nothing to do with the calendar. The calendar is a stand-alone system that requires no additional software.

It can however, be integrated in the WordPress. I suggest you use an iframe for that.
You could also on the page where you have the calendar, make a link. Text for the link could be "open the calendar in a new tab". And then open the calendar in a new tab. This will be useful for users that browse your site with a mobile device.

Especially for mobiles and iframes it is relevant that you consider to use one of the displays. The displays is optimized for iframes and mobile devices.
In case you ae running into troubles with the calendar, you can make new post in the forum, or contact Roel via the contact form or contact me on bramminginfo.dk
I can give some examples and some hints about the displays but it has become troublesome to show examples on this forum as links is not allowed anymore.

Hope you have it to function. The LuxCal is the best web-calendar you can find.


(2 replies, posted in Need Help)

Is it enabled?
Check in settings - event section, bottom


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

Beware that many ISP's now only allow sending emails, where the sender-address of the mail have to belong to the same domain as the domain where the calendar is located.


domain is mydomain.com

Then the sender address have to be something like  postmaster[at]mydomain.com

If this is already the case then just forget about this post.


(5 replies, posted in Problems)

You could specify an email address like this: test@test.dk [test@test.dk]

This is a "workaround" - I think it should be possible to specify just a mailaddress.
Wait for a better answer from Roel.

Could you please tell what version (M or L) you are using.

What method (how do you upgrade) do you use to upgrade?

I am not familiar with Free France - BUT

Most providers now requires that the sender-mail is part of the domain.
Example:  domain is mydomain.com
The sender then must be like postmaster@mydomain.com or noreply@mydomain.com

The sender-mail address (the calendar) must belong to the same domain as the calendar.
Hope it makes sense and is useful.

Concentrate on the PHP mail. It should function.

What is the outcome when you try the "Test mail" button in the settings?


(3 replies, posted in Problems)

Hello Greg

The full-screen can also have effect in an iframe. In fact it is really good for an iframe, as it makes the content pop-out of the iframe and fill the whole screen
In the setting for the iframe you specify allowfullscreen

something like this:
.....100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen height="500px"></if............

The no. 2 we must have Roel to give an answer to. I don't know.

I have made an example for the iframe here (fill out the holes):

h t t p s hmm  /www . bramminginfo . dk/ grindstedbk / testiframe.html


(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

On the menu for this site there is an option "More"
If you choose this, you will be guided to the calendarforum.dk.

Here you can choose :

And then "Misc." (miscellaneous)
And then "Add event"
And then "Links"


(3 replies, posted in Need Help)

You do like this:

xxxxx is the full URL for the link.

If you want to make a text where one of the words is apples and where apples should be the link like this
Visit apples to learn something about fruit.
It should be like this:

Visit xxxxxx[apples] to learn something about fruit.

You can also just copy a URL from the browser and then paste it into the text and it will be seen as a clickable URL.

If links was possible in the posts, it would be a lot easier to explain.