(4 replies, posted in Problems)

Hi Roel,

I have the same problem. Tried refreshing the calendar---even tried opening it with a different browser. Also removed the Map viewer URL.  (note: still have the calendar URL in the General setting section of the form).

Nothing seems to help.  Any ideas of more things to try?


Thank you so much!  That is a great solution.

Accessing the full calendar with an "a-tag" hyperlink works as it should.  Clicking on an event pops up the event window showing the details of the event.  But though the same calendar with iframe and display3a displays the appropriate events, clicking on an event pops up an empty event window.

I have limited access to the server that users see so the hyperlink and iframe go to my own server.  LuxCal is on my own server with its database in a non-web accessible area.

The top line of the normal event window from the hyperlinked full calendar shows the URL of my server.  The top line of the iframe Display event window popup (empty) is the user accessible server URL.

Using getcwd() both index.php and display3a.php are executing from the root directory of LuxCal on my own server.

I would appreciate any help even just ideas about what is going on here.

Many thanks!!

re: LuxCal475L -- When a user, particularly using a phone, hovers over an event in the upcoming event sidebar the popup is partially invisible outside the phone screen.  Often even the location button is unavailable.  Searching the web suggests that this problem is common with hover popups and hard to solve even with javascript (not my forte).

In all the full calendar views, clicking on an event brings up the the Event Report window.  That screen persists until it is dismissed.

But most users will get their notifications from the upcoming event sidebar.  Is it possible to make the upcoming event sidebar work like the calendar view?  That is, when the user clicks over an event, show the Event Report window?  If that can be done I would also suggest that the hover popup should be shut off.  It looks like a bug when only half visible.

BTW, love LuxCal

Re failure to install LuxCal--"Sessions not working".
I wrote a little script that initialized a session and stored data.
Now the session directory has data:

vagrant@homestead:/var/lib/php/sessions$ ls
sess_0vntmdjsjnubmpaa06vdu7cdni  sess_gs1l1v9du495nblivb6t6kf76i
sess_bmb531566fhlqu8bv3m8kuoqq1  sess_hhjckpukifckfr9l756jl92p9l
sess_f035dttvf3dh5svkpp0opmagah  sess_q2m64hq2cfm0d8lfhku457rr3t

Looks like Sessions is working--- but LuxCal installer thinks it not  ???

Thanks again, D

Roel,  your LuxCal looks like a wonderful addition for my website.

But, I have the same problem (PHP sessions not working).  Can you see the problem?
I am using a Homestead installation on a Ubuntu virtual box with vagrant (PHP Version 7.2.5-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1)

From phpinfo():
session.save_path    /var/lib/php/sessions    /var/lib/php/sessions

and from SSH in the virtual machine:
vagrant@homestead:/var/lib/php$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun  3  2018 modules
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jul 24 19:33 sessions

and the sessions directory is empty

I will send my email via the contacts page

Thanks so much for any help you can give me.