(4 replies, posted in Need Help)

well Ill be damned! I tried to replicate the behavior and now I got the correct result smile


(4 replies, posted in Suggestions)

I guess it makes sense, right?
However important it is for me, I have tweaked your calendar to the limit and am using all available boxes as it is for filtering purposes. I got a great calendar as it is and am more than willing to wait for the regular version issue.
If I can help in any way with development tell me.


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions)

I can confirm it works like charm with both coordinates and adresses - it simply feeds google maps the search sentence and it tries to find the best fit. It actually replaced out job order system in company because this is SO MUCH MORE common sense. our drivers love the calendar -> map integration


(4 replies, posted in Need Help)

LuxCal kalendář: 4.7.5L (../.htdata/mycal)
PHP: 7.1.3 - Show info
Database: SQLite V3.6.20

I guess it should be up to date. I am trying to run test version next to the production one, if I can replicate the erroneous behavior.
edit: way too tired today, will try in the morning and let you know. Thank you for your swift reply, btw smile


(4 replies, posted in Need Help)

I have question about deleted events: Lets say user xy deleted an event created by user aa (which gets status -1 in events table and is therefore hidden), but editor in the record editor field is still set as the original author - aa. am I doing something wrong? Is there setting to flip?

Any suggestion would be welcome, I am having rather hard time identifying the responsible user (xy smile )


(4 replies, posted in Suggestions)

yes, that is what I meant. Overabundance of categories is what I am trying to avoid, already have 10+.
I have trouble with specific people planning work that they are prone to deliberately changing inputs of others and per user parameter (  need approval / input freely) would be a massive help. approving it from the category standpoint blocks out all users, including the non problematic ones too.
long put short:
Bobby makes mess in calendar - his inputs need to be approved by calendar overseer.
THAT would hit the spot smile

I just gotta say again I love the sqlite version more and more every day. portable, backup-able with something as primitive as daily ftp dump. I even made small php ecosystem around the calendar, which pulls various stats from the events list and counts important data for me. amazing