Topic: LuxCal 5.1.1 SQL error when adding an event in a "no overlap" category

When adding an event in an event category for which "No overlap allowed" has be set to "same category", an SQL error occurred.

This can be solved by editing the file "common/toolbox.php" and replacing . . .
line 386 ($filter = "(e.type = {$typ} AND c.`noverlap` = 2)";) by

$filter = "(c.`noverlap` = 2)";

and line 388 ($filter = "(e.type = {$typ}".($eid ? " AND e.`ID` != {$eid}" : '')." AND ((c.`noverlap` = 1 AND c.`ID` = $cid) OR c.`noverlap` = 2))"; //if update, exclude event self) by

$filter = "((c.`noverlap` = 1 AND c.`ID` = $cid) OR c.`noverlap` = 2)".($eid ? " AND e.`ID` != {$eid}" : ''); //if update, exclude event self

and line 414 (retrieve($sDate,$eDate,'',$filter);) by


Use cut & paste !

You can also send us an email via the Contact Us page and we will send you the updated toolbox.php file.