1 (edited by wb4alm 2023-12-19 12:40:44)

Topic: Fixed."first day of week" gets reset to "1" anytime setting is changed

I have installed LuxCal calendar: 5.2.4M (mycal)
under --views--
First day of the week: 1  (0: Sun, 1: Mon .... 6: Sat)

is being re-initalized to "1" (Mon) anytime a change is being made to any setting value.

My calendar was initially defined to start on Sunday (0), as that is more common in the USA. 
But anytime any setting is changed, this value is being reset back to the default, rather than displaying the "currrent" value.

Other than that, this is a GREAT implementation of a calendar system.

Re: Fixed."first day of week" gets reset to "1" anytime setting is changed

This is a bug. The solution can be found in this forum under "Known Issues and Fixes" item "A "reset to default" bug on the admin's Settings page".

Re: Fixed."first day of week" gets reset to "1" anytime setting is changed

Fixed. thanks!
sidenote: The fix explanation says that while the screen value was set back to the default, the actual setting value was not changed. Not totally true. In the case of the "start of week", the settngs value was being reset to 1, everytime the settings page was saved. The fix when applied, fixed the error.

/s/ Bill, wb4alm