Topic: LuxCal 5.3.1L - Opening event from search results not working
When using the Search function, clicking an event in the search results to open the event does not work.
This problem can be solved by editing the file "pages/search.php" and change line 204 from . . .
$click = ($evt['mayE'] ? 'editE' : 'showE')."({$evt['eid']},'{$date}')";
$click = ($evt['mayE'] ? 'editE' : 'showE')."({$evt['eid']},`{$date}`)";
It's hard to see, but the single quotes around {$date} towards the end of the line have been replaced by backticks ( ` ).
(Back ticks can be found on a US/UK keyboard left upper corner next to the 1 key.)