Topic: Mail not sending


Not sure when this started happening, probably the past update I did removed the email info?

Anyhow, I have php and Cold Fusion installed on the server.  the CF mail sends through SMTP using, port 25, no other info needed.

I tried that in the calendar and I keep getting Sending test mail failed when I send a test mail in the admin page.

I tried PHP mail but that gave this error.
Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in E:\inetpub\wwwroot\\calendar\common\messaging.php on line 168

Any suggestions?


Re: Mail not sending

Also, I have two other php applications on the same server and I simply put in, and email sends.  Before I upgraded it worked.  I'm on 4.7.6M now.  Do I need to upgrade?

Re: Mail not sending

Hi there,
The mail function of the calendar has not changed since several calendar versions, so upgrading will most probably not solve the problem. However, if nevertheless you consider upgrading, it's better to wait a few weeks; we're planning to release a next calendar version around 14 March.
In the mean time I suggest to use the tool called "smtptest.php", which you can find in the LuxCal toolbox and which can be used to test the SMTP settings specified on the Settings page.

If you aren't sending big amounts of emails, it would be more easy to use PHP mail. But apparently this is not working on your server (re. warning message mentioned in your first post). You could try asking your ISP to make PHP mail work. But unfortunately some hosts do not allow using PHP mail (I assume they are afraid their servers will be used for sending spam messages).


Re: Mail not sending

Thank you, I uploaded that file.
I get this message: Error: SMTP settings on the admin's Settings page missing.

I put in my username and password for my organization, it showed me a window to send a test message, but got this error:
C: From Client to SMTP server, S: Reply from SMTP server

C: Connect to socket (Server: Port: 25) (Expected reply: 220)
S: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Wed, 8 Apr 2020 13:22:07 -0400
C: EHLO (Expected reply: 250)
S: 501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name

EHLO: SMTP server reply: 501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name

It's a private server as far as I know both PHP and SMTP should send mail.  The odd thing is I didn't even notice when it stopped working.  There have not been ant changes to the server environment.

Re: Mail not sending

Some/many mail-servers now requires that the sender address of a mail, is "belonging" to the domain.

Maybe it has something to do with this - or maybe it has nothing to do with this.