Topic: Time Picker interval

Hi, is there a way to change the time picker interval from 15 to 5 minutes in the event page? I use a fixed appointment time of 20 minutes, which can not be selected within an 15 minutes-intervall.
Where is the 15 minutes-intervall calculated? I cannot recognize it in the timepicker function.
Unfortunately I am not so good at JavaScript, I am rather in php...
I'm using zhe latest version of LuxCal (4.7.8).
Thanks in advance!

Re: Time Picker interval

Hi Berns,

The time picker can be found in the "common/dtpicker.js" file (lines 135 - 185).
The time interval of 15 minutes is determined by the condition in the for-loop at line 160.

If you need help, I can modify the time-picker for you. In this case you should tell me in detail what it should look like. And be aware that the total time picker box can not be much bigger, because there is not much room left.
If you want me to do it for you, drop me an email, so that I can send you a modified file.



Re: Time Picker interval

Thank you so much Roel!

I tried to change the mentioned line already, but i did not reload the site propper - now it works smile

But I have a last question:
I set the end of the day to 4 p.m. The calendar shows this correctly, but the timepicker shows an hour more ???
Would be nice if you have a tip on how I can change that.

Thanks in advance again!

Re: Time Picker interval

Hi Berns,

On line 155 of the "common/dtpicker.jd" file, in the for-statement, the variable i is compared to the minimum of dwEndH and 23. See code below:

for (var i = dwStartH; i <= Math.min(dwEndH,23); i++) {

It is this dwEndH. If it is set to 20 (on the Settings page), the time picker should stop at 19.45.

Note: After each dtpicker.js file change refresh the browser page (Ctrl-F5) to clean the cache.

Hope this helps.
