Topic: LuxCal 4.7.0 - PHP Notices when running lcalcron.php via a cron job

When running the file lcalcron.php via a cronjob, a PHP notice message may occur, saying "PHP Notice:  Undefined index: xda in /home/eakpvwdu/public_html/kal.irweb/cronjobs/notify.php on line 39".
This PHP Notice issue was already reported "solved" in the latest calendar version 4.7.0, but for mysterious reasons the solution was not included in the V4.7.0 zip-file.
This PHP Notice has no detrimental effects on the functioning of the email reminder function, but if you want to solve the issue, then you can download the changed file here.

You can also fix this problem by applying the following changes:
Edit the file cronjobs/notify.php and replace lines 37 - 39 . . .

if ($evt['mde'] <= 1 and //first day
  ($daysDue == $evt['nom'] or $date == $todayD00) and //email due
  !($evt['r_t'] and strpos($evt['xda'],$date))) { //date not excluded if repeating event

by . . .

if ($evt['mde'] <= 1 and //single day event or first day of multi-day event
  ($daysDue == $evt['nom'] or $date == $todayD00)) { //email due

and replace lines 93 - 95 . . .

if ($evt['mde'] <= 1 and //first day
  ($daysDue == $evt['nos'] or $date == $todayD00) and //SMS due
  !($evt['r_t'] and strpos($evt['xDates'],$date))) { //date not excluded if repeating event

by . . .

if ($evt['mde'] <= 1 and //single day event or first day of multi-day event
  ($daysDue == $evt['nos'] or $date == $todayD00)) { //SMS due

Use cut and paste!
