Topic: Setting section button viewing.

In Settings, the option View buttons on navigation bar:
If you put 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
You will get a error: missing or invalid settings (background highlighted)
when you save, that field only accepts upto 8, anything after that error shows.

Re: Setting section button viewing.

Hi there,
You are testing the limits of the LuxCal calendar. Great wink
And yes, you found a (kind of) bug. It is currently not possible to have the values 1 and 11 in the same "View buttons on navigation bar" list.
Note: All specified values must also be present in the option "Available calendar views" (which is just above).

When you edit the file pages/settings.php and change line 30 from . . .

if (substr_count($buttons.',',$buttonNr.',') > 1 or strpos($range.',',$buttonNr.',') === false) { return false; }

to . . .

if (substr_count(','.$buttons.',',','.$buttonNr.',') > 1 or strpos($range.',',$buttonNr.',') === false) { return false; }

It should work fine.

I will change this for the next calendar version.