Hi Roel,
in my case php 7.4 ist running.
I found some hints in the web in relation to different mysql versions and if they are running in strict mode or not. But because my test server ist a synology NAS with mariaDB i was not able to get more information about that.
Next hint I found was, that the error can accour, when a string is compared with a number or something like that.
So I looked in the sql.log file and then found the accordingly line in the common/toolboxx.php.
Its on line 877 and 878
At the end og theese lines I sorrounded the 0 and the 1 with single qotation marks. So the result is:
} else { //spMiniCal existing (0 -> '', 1-> '2,4,6')
dbQuery("UPDATE `settingsX` SET `value` = '' WHERE (`name` = 'spMiniCal' OR `name` = 'spImages' OR `name` = 'spInfoArea') AND `value` = '0'");
dbQuery("UPDATE `settingsX` SET `value` = '2,4,6' WHERE (`name` = 'spMiniCal' OR `name` = 'spImages' OR `name` = 'spInfoArea') AND `value` = '1'");
This solves the error!
To me it makes sense, because the "value" field is of type "varchar".
In other server envirements it may only be a warning instead of an error.