Topic: Emailing event to customers
We are a lawn bowling club in Perth, West Australia. We use luxcal extensively to manage our facilities bookings which is our financial lifeblood. Primarily, we have two types of events. One is in-house events and regular users events and the other is one off customers who book our facilities for functions. Thus we operate with 'customers' who make 'bookings' with us for their events.
It would be nice to email these 'customers' the confirmation of their 'booking'. This would be similar to "Send email" function on the events pop-up panel. We have played around with this is and it could probably be ok for us to use. However the email message has an 'Open calendar' link at the bottom of the message. We would like to not have this link as we don't allow 'customers' to view our calendar for multiple reasons.
I have looked at the files to see where it's generated and think it's in messaging.php around line 190 (V521). If I disable this line I assume the 'Open calendar' link would not appear.
Now for the suggestion. How about having an ability to send an email message to the 'customer' who would receive most of the event data but without the ability to access the calendar.