Topic: Notification Emails Not Arriving

What might I be doing wrong?

In settings, under General I have set my Calendar email address

Under "Send notification of calendar changes" I have checked the "Recipient list" box and entered the same email address

Under Reminders-Email I have set

Sender of notification emails: as calendar
Mail server: as SMTP mail
and completed SMTP server name and SMTP port number correctly
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is checked
SMTP authentication is checked
Username and Password are entered correctly (the same address as in the previous fields)

When I use the SMTPTest file it didn't work until I set the port correctly, but messages sent through the test page work! So I deleted smtptest file but notification are still not arriving.

What might I be doing wrong or what might be stopping emails flow?

Re: Notification Emails Not Arriving

I seem to have found a bug in the system!

I am following up in the Problem Area.