Topic: People or User's being able to register for events
I put in this suggestion some time ago a few versions back under the old forum.
I have an event that will be limited to the number of attendee's or I would like to know how many are attending to make the necessary arrangements. For example, how many chairs, tables or meals are needed.
When creating the event the following options. Registration required [Yes / No] check box.
Limit number [ ] field box
Waiting List [Yes / No ] check box. Enable waiting list if Limit Number reached.
Registered Users [ ] check box. Do they have to be registered user's of the calendar.
Attendee's email [ ] text field. If they don't need to be a registered user of the calendar the attendee's email address. This could be used for email's to the participants and / or those on the waiting list.
Cost / Price field(s). This would be a bonus if implemented. Say to attend I have pay a fee etc. Instructions or a link to make payment. PayPal is very popular as well as other's. In Canada we have eTransfer where I can eTransfer money from my bank account to your bank account, all I need is your email address.
This would be a huge undertaking to add to LuxCal. It would also greatly expand its' functionality for many groups.
Even for a family calendar for a family get together, wedding or funeral etc. In the posting the details of the event with a link can be provided to the calendar. The reason I know is because last year our family had four deaths. We had no way of knowing how many were going to attend to plan for how much food was required. Too little and you ran out. More than was needed added to the cost and what to do with the remaining food.
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