Topic: LuxCal 4.7.5 - Displays - Events not clickable
Most "displays" have the following setting in the GENERAL SETTINGS section:
$evtWin = 1; //on click open event window (0: no, 1: yes). If the user has post rights, the event add/edit window will open, otherwise the event report window will open
In LuxCal v4.7.5, when in the display $evtWin is set to '1', clicking events does not result in opening the Event window.
This is caused by a JavaScript error in the toolbox.js file.
To solve this problem, edit the file 'common/toolbox.js' and replace line 128 . . .
pars.cal1x = calID;
by . . .
if (typeof calID !== 'undefined') { pars.cal1x = calID; } //if defined, use calID; but don't store in session