Topic: Upcoming event sidebar hover popups partially out of viewport

re: LuxCal475L -- When a user, particularly using a phone, hovers over an event in the upcoming event sidebar the popup is partially invisible outside the phone screen.  Often even the location button is unavailable.  Searching the web suggests that this problem is common with hover popups and hard to solve even with javascript (not my forte).

In all the full calendar views, clicking on an event brings up the the Event Report window.  That screen persists until it is dismissed.

But most users will get their notifications from the upcoming event sidebar.  Is it possible to make the upcoming event sidebar work like the calendar view?  That is, when the user clicks over an event, show the Event Report window?  If that can be done I would also suggest that the hover popup should be shut off.  It looks like a bug when only half visible.

BTW, love LuxCal

Re: Upcoming event sidebar hover popups partially out of viewport

Hi there,

The Upcoming Events sidebar was especially designed to have the possibility to display the event details, when hovering an event, outside the sidebar space.
For display on a narrow screen device you should use one of the "displays". Try for instance on your mobile phone this link to LuxCal demo calendar display 3:
When using a "display", when clicking an event the Event Report will open.


Re: Upcoming event sidebar hover popups partially out of viewport

Thank you so much!  That is a great solution.