No match!
Date & Time | Pages | Page Title | Current Page | View Port | Country | Browser | Platform | Type |
2025.01.12 18:00:37 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:36:18 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.12 18:51:23 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 1000 | IT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.12 18:51:35 | 2 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1920 x 1000 | IT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.12 18:52:01 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 1000 | IT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.12 18:55:17 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1534 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:55:29 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1534 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:56:13 | 3 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1534 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:58:11 | 4 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1534 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:58:35 | 5 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1534 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:58:36 | 6 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1534 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 18:59:01 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 800 x 600 | US | Chrome | Linux | hum |
2025.01.12 19:34:52 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.12 19:42:51 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1528 x 834 | US | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 19:42:56 | 2 | LuxSoft Display Demos | index.php?demodis | 1528 x 834 | US | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 19:42:59 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 1528 x 834 | US | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 20:15:01 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 917 | PL | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 20:16:40 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1920 x 911 | IT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 20:16:48 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 1920 x 911 | IT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 20:27:04 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.12 20:27:04 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.12 21:15:34 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.3M | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 21:16:30 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 21:18:33 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 21:21:28 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.3M | 1482 x 730 | GB | Opera | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 21:21:53 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1482 x 730 | GB | Opera | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 21:25:26 | 4 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 21:52:52 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1905 x 1080 | RU | Chrome | Linux | hum |
2025.01.12 22:44:03 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1536 x 643 | AT | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 22:44:07 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 1536 x 643 | AT | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 22:50:07 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | index.php?demodis | 1536 x 602 | AT | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 22:50:14 | 4 | LuxSoft Screenshots | index.php?screenshots | 1536 x 602 | AT | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 22:50:19 | 5 | LuxSoft Forum | index.php?forum | 1536 x 602 | AT | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.12 23:42:57 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 01:10:55 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 01:20:04 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 01:29:09 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 01:38:14 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 02:01:52 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?trk=products_details_guest_secondary_ca | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.13 02:10:35 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1536 x 730 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 02:19:45 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 02:32:33 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.13 02:37:52 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 03:18:23 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 03:35:38 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1280 x 551 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 03:35:56 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1280 x 551 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 03:36:19 | 3 | LuxSoft Home | ?home | 1280 x 551 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 03:36:23 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1280 x 551 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 03:36:25 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 03:36:35 | 5 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1280 x 551 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 03:59:29 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?home | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.13 04:16:59 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 04:34:48 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1024 x 569 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 04:35:02 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 04:35:13 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 569 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 05:15:22 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 430 x 745 | MY | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 05:30:35 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 1080 | FR | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 05:34:29 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.2M | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 05:34:39 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 05:34:58 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 05:35:19 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 05:35:41 | 5 | LuxSoft Contact | ?contact | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 05:56:40 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.13 05:59:53 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1792 x 1032 | IN | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 06:00:51 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | index.php?screenshots | 1792 x 1032 | IN | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 06:03:16 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1920 x 955 | IN | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 06:03:17 | 2 | LuxSoft Download | index.php?download | 1920 x 955 | IN | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 06:27:42 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 1792 x 1032 | IN | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 06:57:30 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 360 x 653 | DK | Firefox | Android | hum |
2025.01.13 07:01:20 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.2M | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 07:20:26 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 07:59:06 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1410 x 929 | NL | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 08:02:00 | 1 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1905 x 1080 | RU | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 08:50:12 | 1 | LuxSoft LuxFile | ?luxfile | 1024 x 569 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 09:03:53 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 09:03:56 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 09:05:56 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1280 x 667 | DK | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 09:06:00 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1280 x 667 | DK | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 09:23:19 | 1 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 10:09:55 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1536 x 695 | SG | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 10:09:57 | 2 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1536 x 695 | SG | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 11:00:37 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 3440 x 1317 | IT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 11:01:04 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 3440 x 1317 | IT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 11:01:13 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 3440 x 1317 | IT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 11:03:15 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1280 x 1024 | DE | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 11:03:17 | 2 | LuxSoft Contact | ?contact | 1280 x 1024 | DE | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 11:03:18 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1280 x 1024 | DE | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 11:10:11 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 11:36:22 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | TH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 11:40:21 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 11:56:13 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.2M | 1366 x 633 | LK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:00:50 | 2 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:01:34 | 3 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:01:58 | 4 | LuxSoft LuxView | ?luxview | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:02:04 | 5 | LuxSoft LuxFind | ?luxfind | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:02:06 | 6 | LuxSoft LuxFile | ?luxfile | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:02:08 | 7 | LuxSoft LuxLog | ?luxlog | 1920 x 911 | PT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:12:32 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1440 x 848 | FR | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 12:12:36 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 1440 x 848 | FR | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 12:20:23 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:20:35 | 2 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:22:01 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 12:50:15 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 1080 | CA | unknown | unknown | hum |
2025.01.13 13:32:51 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 3268 x 1182 | DE | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 13:32:57 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 3268 x 1182 | DE | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 13:33:25 | 3 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 3268 x 1182 | DE | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 13:34:01 | 4 | LuxSoft Contact | ?contact | 3268 x 1182 | DE | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 13:42:27 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1920 x 891 | DK | Firefox | Linux | hum |
2025.01.13 14:23:49 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 14:33:47 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 14:41:05 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1318 x 676 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:41:11 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1318 x 676 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:41:35 | 3 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1318 x 676 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:43:36 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1366 x 653 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:43:47 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 14:43:53 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | index.php?screenshots | 1366 x 653 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:44:07 | 3 | LuxSoft Download | index.php?download | 1366 x 653 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:52:00 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 2048 x 991 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:52:15 | 2 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 2048 x 991 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:52:20 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 2048 x 991 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:52:22 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 2048 x 991 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 14:52:24 | 5 | LuxSoft Home | ?home | 2048 x 991 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:14:30 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.2.3M | 1920 x 947 | ES | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:15:04 | 2 | LuxSoft LuxFile | ?luxfile | 1920 x 947 | ES | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:15:07 | 3 | LuxSoft LuxFind | ?luxfind | 1920 x 947 | ES | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:16:40 | 4 | LuxSoft LuxView | ?luxview | 1920 x 947 | ES | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:16:50 | 5 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 947 | ES | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:26:16 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 2042 x 736 | NL | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:26:32 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 2042 x 763 | NL | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:26:35 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 2042 x 763 | NL | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:26:43 | 4 | LuxSoft LuxView | ?luxview | 2042 x 763 | NL | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:26:54 | 5 | LuxSoft Home | ?home | 2042 x 763 | NL | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:53:55 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | TR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 15:53:58 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 911 | TR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 16:21:00 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1280 x 551 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 16:21:13 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 1280 x 551 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 16:21:30 | 3 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1280 x 551 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 16:33:16 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1536 x 684 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 16:48:10 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 2348 x 1268 | IT | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 16:48:14 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | index.php?screenshots | 2348 x 1268 | IT | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 16:48:17 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | index.php?democal | 2348 x 1268 | IT | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 18:26:46 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.3L | 1415 x 818 | RO | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 18:26:49 | 2 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1415 x 818 | RO | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 18:26:51 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1415 x 818 | RO | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 19:51:34 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 768 | CN | Chrome | Android | hum |
2025.01.13 20:06:57 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1728 x 864 | NL | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 20:09:52 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1728 x 822 | NL | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 20:20:52 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1728 x 864 | NL | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 20:32:50 | 2 | LuxSoft Home | | 1728 x 865 | NL | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 20:32:57 | 3 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1728 x 822 | NL | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 20:41:43 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 20:44:27 | 1 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1872 x 968 | CA | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 21:04:55 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1280 x 720 | US | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 21:05:06 | 1 | LuxSoft Contact | ?contact | 1280 x 720 | US | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 21:05:08 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1280 x 720 | US | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 21:24:58 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1536 x 703 | DK | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 21:55:54 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 2502 x 1176 | US | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 21:56:04 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 2502 x 1176 | US | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 21:57:08 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 2502 x 1176 | US | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.13 22:25:49 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 22:31:21 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 919 | PL | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 22:31:26 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 919 | PL | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 22:35:52 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 22:44:51 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=home | 1920 x 1080 | -- | Safari | MacOS | bot |
2025.01.13 23:21:36 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.13 23:24:39 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 23:35:30 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.13 23:51:07 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 23:51:20 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 23:51:26 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 23:51:35 | 4 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 23:51:53 | 5 | LuxSoft Home | ?home | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.13 23:51:59 | 6 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 00:36:03 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1360 x 607 | BR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 00:36:10 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1360 x 607 | BR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 00:36:47 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 1360 x 607 | BR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 00:37:21 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1360 x 607 | BR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 01:07:53 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 800 x 600 | -- | unknown | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 01:08:20 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 800 x 600 | -- | unknown | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 01:19:37 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 01:36:21 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | US | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 01:54:18 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1200 x 768 | KR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 03:00:44 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 03:01:32 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 03:01:33 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 03:21:42 | 1 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 03:27:49 | 1 | LuxSoft Contact | ?contact | 1905 x 1080 | RU | Chrome | Linux | hum |
2025.01.14 03:39:16 | 1 | LuxSoft LuxFile | ?luxfile | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 05:54:50 | 1 | LuxSoft JavaScript Applets | ?jsapplets | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 06:24:59 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 06:25:01 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 07:40:07 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 07:45:07 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 08:39:09 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 08:41:08 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.3.2M | 1868 x 929 | ZA | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 08:44:10 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 09:37:17 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 09:43:20 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 10:24:02 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 375 x 667 | CN | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 10:34:58 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V4.5.2M= | 1920 x 1080 | -- | Safari | MacOS | bot |
2025.01.14 11:17:49 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=gnugpl | 1920 x 1080 | -- | Safari | MacOS | bot |
2025.01.14 12:06:07 | 1 | LuxSoft Contact | ?contact | 1905 x 1080 | RU | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 12:47:09 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1861 x 948 | ZA | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 12:47:13 | 2 | LuxSoft Home | | 1861 x 948 | ZA | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 12:47:33 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1861 x 948 | ZA | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 12:47:56 | 4 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1861 x 948 | ZA | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 13:09:28 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 3440 x 1271 | NL | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 13:11:21 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 13:53:13 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1920 x 1080 | -- | Safari | MacOS | bot |
2025.01.14 13:54:02 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 3440 x 1271 | NL | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 14:43:18 | 1 | LuxSoft Contact | index.php?contact | 2131 x 1245 | CH | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 15:19:56 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 15:20:11 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 16:16:31 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | index.php?download | 1024 x 569 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 16:22:16 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V4.7.6M= | 1920 x 1080 | -- | Safari | MacOS | bot |
2025.01.14 16:26:19 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1536 x 684 | US | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 16:45:11 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1360 x 607 | BR | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 16:54:28 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1912 x 930 | US | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 16:54:32 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1912 x 930 | US | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 17:46:30 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | ?V5.2.4M | 832 x 357 | US | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 17:52:24 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1427 x 834 | DE | Firefox | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 17:54:04 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1920 x 911 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 17:54:05 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 17:54:36 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 911 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 17:54:40 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1920 x 911 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 17:54:47 | 5 | LuxSoft LuxView | ?luxview | 1920 x 911 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 17:55:21 | 6 | LuxSoft Home | ?home | 1920 x 911 | BE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 18:18:33 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 18:18:36 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 18:18:39 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 18:27:16 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1024 x 569 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 18:28:23 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 18:41:05 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1920 x 891 | FR | Firefox | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 18:50:15 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1280 x 671 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 18:50:21 | 2 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1280 x 671 | DK | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 19:38:22 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 500 x 301 | US | Chrome | Linux | hum |
2025.01.14 19:58:39 | 1 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 19:59:36 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 20:11:57 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 20:28:56 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 2021 x 1335 | GB | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 20:48:41 | 1 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 889 x 972 | AT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 20:57:53 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 21:14:26 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1024 x 1024 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 21:23:47 | 1 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 378 x 718 | US | Firefox | Android | hum |
2025.01.14 21:29:49 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1272 x 607 | DE | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 21:30:23 | 2 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1272 x 607 | DE | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 21:30:32 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 1272 x 607 | DE | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 21:30:40 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 1272 x 607 | DE | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 21:32:34 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1800 x 1038 | AT | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 21:32:41 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1800 x 1038 | AT | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 21:33:03 | 3 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 1800 x 1038 | AT | Chrome | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 21:35:20 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | index.php?pge=forum | 1912 x 896 | GB | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 21:35:26 | 2 | LuxSoft Display Demos | index.php?demodis | 1912 x 896 | GB | Edge | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 21:45:30 | 2 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 889 x 972 | AT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 21:45:35 | 3 | LuxSoft Home | | 889 x 972 | AT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 21:45:39 | 4 | LuxSoft Download | ?download | 889 x 972 | AT | Safari | MacOS | hum |
2025.01.14 22:18:13 | 1 | LuxSoft Forum | ?forum | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 22:46:28 | 1 | LuxSoft LuxView | index.php?luxview | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |
2025.01.14 23:14:15 | 1 | LuxSoft Contact | index.php?contact | 1024 x 569 | -- | Chrome | unknown | bot |
2025.01.14 23:14:19 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 23:14:29 | 2 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 23:15:33 | 3 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1680 x 923 | AT | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 23:19:23 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1905 x 1080 | RU | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.14 23:19:25 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1905 x 1080 | RU | Opera | Windows | hum |
2025.01.15 00:59:38 | 1 | LuxSoft Home | | 1536 x 703 | DE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.15 00:59:43 | 2 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1536 x 703 | DE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.15 00:59:54 | 3 | LuxSoft Display Demos | ?demodis | 1536 x 703 | DE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.15 01:01:00 | 4 | LuxSoft Screenshots | ?screenshots | 1536 x 703 | DE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.15 01:01:06 | 5 | LuxSoft Calendar Demos | ?democal | 1536 x 703 | DE | Chrome | Windows | hum |
2025.01.15 01:07:18 | 1 | LuxSoft LuxFile | ?luxfile | 412 x 732 | -- | Chrome | Android | bot |